Writings on Christianity

The Indomitable Wisdom of Christ

INDOMITABLE: Impossible to subdue or defeat (

The wisdom of Jesus Christ is indomitable. No one and no situation can thwart it. We see this in the ministry of Jesus as various situations and opponents arise: the devil seeks to tempt and defeat Jesus (Matt 4); various diseases and demon-possessions seem like they would be too powerful for Jesus; religious leaders (both theologically conservative and liberal) seek to entangle Jesus in his words; Jesus is betrayed by one of his closest followers; Jesus is physically beaten and then crucified on a cross; Jesus dies. Yet none of these situations was able to stop him from his mission to save the lost (Luke 19:10) and rescue his people from their sins (Matt 1:21).

In his perfect and matchless wisdom, he came to give his life as a ransom which would rescue his people from their doom, spiritual death, and deserved hell (Matt 20:28). This wisdom perfectly planned our salvation and perfectly executed it.

Nothing can thwart the wisdom of Jesus. Secular wisdom and cannot thwart Jesus. Arguments made in the name of philosophy or science cannot thwart Jesus. False religions and mystical experiences cannot hinder or weaken the wisdom of Jesus. His is a wisdom that outlasts them all, just as his words outlast them all (Matt 24:35).

Praise God for the indomitable wisdom of Christ!

By Tom Schmidt

Christian, husband of Rach, Church Planter,musician,

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