Southern Baptist Church in Naperville
Cross of Christ Fellowship is a Southern Baptist church in downtown Naperville. This is one way we talk about our church plant, and lately I’ve been reflecting how thankful I am that we are Southern Baptist.

If you are a Southern Baptist church, then you are part of a family of churches that love and support each other. We have received much help and support and encouragement from other SBC churches as we plant Cross of Christ Fellowship. Some churches are giving financially, others are praying and encouraging. We also have been helped by the the Illinois Baptist State Association and the SEND Network! (I recently complete a 12 week church planting training with SEND, which was very applicable and insightful).
One example of the blessings of being part of the SBC happened just this week. A mission team from Texas came up to serve with us and another SBC church plant in Chicagoland for a week of outreach events. Their team served with us to prayer walk in downtown Naperville and hand out door hanger invitations to our Sunday service. Together we were able to give out over 700 invitations and had lots of opportunities to pray with individuals and talk to them about the gospel.
It was an incredibly encouraging time, and one that makes me very thankful to be part of the Southern Baptist convention. So if you are new to Naperville and looking to be part of a Southern Baptist Church please join us this Sunday!