Our church in Naperville (Cross of Christ Fellowship) is going through the book of Daniel together on Sunday mornings. And as I write this post we have made it through the first five chapters so far. This Sunday a friend of mine is coming to preach chapter 6 and then we’ll be in a new section of Daniel (chapters 7-12). (If you would like to hear some of these sermons, you can click here).

Working our way chapter by chapter in Daniel has been hard work and a joy. I’m persuaded that Tremper Longman is right in arguing that these historical narratives teach us truths about God. They are not just good stories, but historical accounts recorded that we might learn more about God.
In working through the first 5 chapters, here’s what I believe the chapter helps us see about God. I believe that chapter 1 reminds us of God’s sovereignty over all things and of His tender care and help for His people while they are in exile. In chapter 2 we are reminded that God knows all things—including the future—and that God’s kingdom outlasts ALL other kingdoms. In chapter 3 we see how God’s power is greater than all other powers—even earthly kings and fiery furnaces—and that God uses his power in love to save his people. In chapter 4 our eyes are focused on the fact that God is the true king of all history and reality and that since this is so, we ought to walk in holy humility before Him. And in chapter 5 see that God judges evil—He is a righteous judge and since that is true, we see how much we need God’s grace, which exactly what we have in Christ.
I’m looking forward to hearing my friend preach chapter 6 this Sunday and thankful for the opportunity to preach through Daniel.