Writings on Christianity

“Live It Out!” Ephesians 4:25-5:2 SERMON

“Live it Out!” Eph 4:25-5:2

Music Major—new identity with new practices (Scales, ensembles, practice rooms, priorities)
-Becoming a Christian=new identity with new practices (God is 1st; Bible; Prayer; Fellowship; Rejecting Sin)
-In Christ we have a new identity, so let’s live it out!
CONTEXT: Eph 1-3 Doctrine; 4-6 Application.
-4:1-24: Walk worthy of your calling; grow up in the faith; everyday Put off//Put On
TODAY: Live out your new identity in Christ! Here’s how…
NOTE: Instructions FOR Christians—assumes the person doing this has experienced salvation by grace through faith in Christ
*CLARIFICATION: Doing these things will not make us Christians or earn our way into heaven. (Saved by grace! Eph 2:8-9)
-Here is a practical path for GROWING IN MATURITY AS CHRISTIANS as live out our new identity in Christ
-BUT, if your life looks no different than the world, than you’re probably not a Christian (or very immature)
-YET, we all have room grow in learning how to live out our new identity in Christ.
STRUCTURE: 8 Instructions supported by a truth related to a our new identity in Christ.
-Our new identity in Christ LEADS to new Practices.
-In Christ we have a new identity, so let’s live it out!

1 Live out your New Identity in Christ by Speaking the Truth (25)
SUPERBOWL: You will hear some lies today. (Products/Services offering you things that cannot deliver)
-Many ways to LIE: Outright contradiction, coloring the truth, flattery,
-CHRISTIAN: STOP lying and START telling the truth.
COMMAND: 25 Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor,
      -Christians are to put away lies and speak the truth.
           -9th Commandment: ‘You shall not bear false testimony
-Put off the old ways of Lying (deceit, flattery, holding back truth)
-Put on the ways of our new identity in Christ (speak the truth in love)
for we are members one of another.
-CHURCH=BODY (body parts) àHow absurd for one body part to lie to another!
APP: Where is there a tendency to lie or deceive in your life? How is God calling you to put that away and speak the truth?
-Do you need to repent of lying in a particular situation? (God knows your heart and can see through our lies!)
Let’s live out our new identity in Christ by refusing to lie and always telling the truth.

2 Live out your New Identity in Christ by Not Sinning in your Anger (26-27)
Sinning in anger be VERY destructive: Anger can lead to violence (with language or physical action) and even result in murder
-But the gospel leads to a different way of living…REFUSING TO SIN IN OUR ANGER.
26 Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger,
NOTE: There is a Place for RIGHTEOUS anger “BE ANGRY!” (anger at injustice)
BUT, Don’t sin in your anger: Letting your strong emotions lead you hurt others with words or actions.
PRACTICAL: Don’t sun go down on your anger=resolve your conflict before going to sleep at night.
MARRIED COUPLES: Don’t go to bed angry! 
NEW IDENTITY: 27 and give no opportunity to the devil.
      –Eph 2:1-3: We live in a world with a devil and demons, and need to be aware of spiritual warfare (6:12)
-Going to sleep angry or sinning in anger give the devil an opportunity to wreak havoc in your life.
-Sinful anger is DEMONIC.
APP: How is God calling you to repent of sinful anger? Have you been giving the devil a foothold lately?

3 Live out your New Identity in Christ by Refusing to Steal (28)
George Mueller: thief as a child and in jail; converted; TRANSFORMED: opened orphanages and schools for children
28 Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands,
-Don’t steal anymore!
-Are there ways where you have been stealing? Taxes? Employer? Streaming services?
-Do honest work with your own hands.
-Goodness of vocational work.
NEW IDENTITY: so that he may have something to share with anyone in need.
-We have a new posture as Christians=helping others in their needs.
APP: Teen: stealing music on Napster and products from employer. Christian: Putting those away.
-How is God calling you to put away stealing and put on honest work and generosity toward others?

4 Live out your New Identity in Christ by Getting Rid of IMPURE SPEECH (29)
Growing up with ‘dirty jokes’ on the playground, sexual humor. Others: gossip. Most of us: complaining.
-Christian: the gospel leads to a different way of speaking.
COMMAND: 29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion,
-PUT OFF: Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths,
-Literally “rotten” talk.
-Dirty jokes, coarse humor, profanity, God’s Name in Vain
-PUT ON: such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion,
-Speech that builds each other and other up.
-“fits the occasion”=requires wisdom and thoughtfulness.
NEW IDENTITY: that it may give grace to those who hear.
-Our speech is done in love of others.
-We don’t speak to draw attention to ourselves, but out of love and grace for others.
APP: What is your speech characterized by: purity or impurity?
-How is God calling you to put away certain kinds of jokes or humor, or put away complaining or gossip?
-How might you put on gratitude, and gracious words that give grace to those who hear?

5 Live out your New Identity in Christ by Not Grieving the Holy Spirit (30)
If you loose a limb, you’ll always carry around a new absence; When you become Christian always in the presence of H.S.
-Christians are a temple of the H.S., and we depend on His power and leading.
30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God,
-Here is the instruction to not grieve the Holy Spirit= Holy Spirit is 3rd person of the Trinity
-He is grieved by our sins.
by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.
-H.S. has sealed us for the day of redemption (return of Christ) [1:13-14]

6 Live out your New Identity in Christ by Putting Away Bitterness and Forgiving Each Other (31-32)
COMMAND: 31 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. 32 Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another,
      -PUT OFF: Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.
-PUT ON: 32 Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another,
                  -This was essential in 1st century Church and TODAY.
-There are lots of small and big opportunities for Christians to learn this.
NEW IDENTITY: as God in Christ forgave you.
-Through the gospel we have experience the forgiveness of sins
-Since we have experienced this, we ought to extend it others.
-This is the antidote to bitterness and vindictiveness.
APP: Remember and apply this when others in the church are hard to get along with and love.

  1. Live out your New Identity in Christ by BEING IMITATORS OF GOD (5:1)
    ‘Be like Mike’ Campaign. àHere=‘Be like God!’
    Therefore be imitators of God,
    -We imitate God’s holy character
    as beloved children.
    -Because we are children of God
    APP: Do you aspire to be like Christ in your workplace? Family? Friends? Hobbies? How would life be different if you did?
  2. Live out your New Identity in Christ by WALKING IN LOVE (5:2)
    1 Cor 13 chapter on Love and 13:13 “greatest of these is love”
    -Love is an indispensable part of a Christian community
    2 And walk in love,
    -“Walk”=live out.
    -Live out a life of love for each other.
    as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
    GOSPEL SUMMARY: as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
    APPEAL TO THE UNBELIEVER: Look to Christ and place your faith in him!

CLOSE: In Christ we have a new identity, so let’s live it out!

By Tom Schmidt

Christian, husband of Rach, Church Planter,musician,

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