How does Haggai 1 point to (find its fulfillment) in Jesus?

1 Jesus is the Word from God. In Haggai 1, we see that God sent Haggai his prophet (1:12) who spoke God’s words to God’s people (1:1-3, 1:7; 1:13). Today, we no longer expect or need a prophet from God because “in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son.” (Hebrews 1:1-2). Jesus has made the invisible God known (John 1:18) and has spoken God’s Word to us—also contained in Christ’s apostles. God lovingly manifested his grace in the appearing of Jesus (2 Tim 1:9-10), who revealed the truth about God and the way of salvation through faith in Jesus (John 3:16). In Haggai 1, we see God use Haggai to speak to His people; in NT we see that God has spoken the final and definitive word through Jesus.
2 The people of Haggai’s day were called to repent and do the work of building God’s house, but Jesus is the Son of God who brought the kingdom of God to earth and builds His kingdom through his disciples preaching the gospel. The Israelites neglected to build the temple and God used the preaching of Haggai to help them see their sin and to lead them to repent. Jesus never neglected the work he came to do, but perfectly fulfilled the work of redemption by dying on the cross for the sins of His people (Matt 20:28). As Christians we have good works to do (Eph 2:10); primarily, our work is that of making disciples of Christ (Matt 28:18-20). Though we are often like the believers in Haggai’s day—more focused on self and self-interest rather than doing the good works God has for us—we follow a gracious savior who disciplines us and even withholds blessing (James 4:3; 1 Cor 11:27-32) so that we too might repent and live out lives of worship and holiness (Rom 12:1-2). Though discipline is unpleasant in the moment, it is from our gracious Lord, who disciplines us in love.
3 Jesus continues to lead his people into greater obedience and holiness today. In Haggai 1, we are encouraged by the obedience of the Israelites, who responded to the preaching of Haggai by doing what God said: rebuild the temple (1:12-15). As Christians we often stumble in our efforts to follow Christ, but Jesus is our good shepherd and leads us forward into greater levels of maturity, obedience, and holiness. He prunes us, that we might bear more fruit (John 15:1-2). He comforts, strengthens, encourages, and sustains us to the end (Phil 1:6). He gives us the Holy spirit to fill us (Gal 5:22-23) and empower us to do good works.