Ephesians 4:7-16 “GROWING UP BY GRACE!”
INTRO: Beautiful baby who never grows up and becomes 20 year-old in diapers, breastfeeding, playing on mats.
-God’s design in nature and spirituality is for us growth
-Goodness in growth: more opportunities, freedom, ways to express & bless others.
*MAIN IDEA: Spiritual growth happens by God’s grace, through his gifts, and is shaped by His goals.
CONTEXT: Application portion of letter (4-6)
-4:1-6: Instruction—walk worthy of your calling, through being like Christ in your relationships & unity in the church
-TODAY: Growing up as Christians through God’s grace
-God gives grace to His people to help them grow in maturity.
*Spiritual growth happens by God’s grace, through his gifts, and is shaped by His goals.
The Christian life begins and ends in grace.
-Saved by grace at conversion (Eph 2:8-9)
-You can be saved today, if you place your faith in Christ.
-Today we see that God’s grace is given to us in the context of our spiritual growth.
-Grace Given to Each of Us (7a)
-This is God’s grace to each Christian to help them grow up in maturity.
-His grace trains us to live godly lives (Titus 2:11-14)
-Here, we see it is given to us in the context of our spiritual growth
-Right amount is given: according to the measure of Christ’s gift. (7b)
-God gives the right amount and kind of help we need to become more like Jesus.
-We don’t change ourselves, but God changes us.
NOTE: Growth does not always feel pleasant, but it is from God’s heart of GRACE.
APP: In the midst of pain/perplexity/disappointment—ASK ‘God, how might you be growing me in this situation?
-Consider: 2 Cor 11:7-9
-RELY UPON HIS GRACE! Pray this verse—grace has been given to each of us, I need it this moment.
-Consider: 1 Cor 15:10
TOOLS/INSTRUMENTS FOR GROWTH IN A FIELD: New trumpet; knives for self; tools for carpenter
-God, in His grace, gives us the necessary GIFTS to help us grow.
-Paul quotes from Ps 68:18 to speak of Christ giving gifts (8-10)
-Psalm refers to God as a conquer victor over Israel’s enemies, leading a host of captives and giving gifts to his people
-Ancillary point in 9-10
-The one who ascended to heaven, is the one who descended to the Earth (Son of God)
-His ascent to heaven is above all the ‘heavens’, so that He might fill all things.
-It is this glorious exalted Lord who graciously gives gifts to Help His people.
-What are the GIFTS? ANSWER: v 11 And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers,
–Apostles: unique group of individuals that were eyewitnesses of Christ and given unique authority
–Prophets: God’s chosen instruments who spoke God’s Word.
-We learn about them in Acts and others place—they fulfilled a role in establishing the church.
–Eph 2:20=foundation of the church.
-There are no living apostles or prophets today.
-We hear from the apostles through the reading of New Testament.
-This is the gift we utilize to know who God is and how we might follow Him.
*APPLICATION: Bible intake must be a regular and consistent pattern in our lives if we are to grow in maturity.
-Evangelist: Individuals uniquely gifted in sharing the gospel and helping other grow in sharing the gospel
-Glen Scrivener of Speak Life Ministry
-Gift of Christ: get the gospel out and spur us on in evangelism.
CLARIFICATION: Though we may not be evangelists, all Christians are called to share the gospel.
–Shepherds and Teachers: Elders in local churches who care for and teach the people of God.
-They are Christ’s gift to us, to help us grow.
APPLICATION: If we are to grow in spiritual maturity, we must utilize the gifts He has given (Bible, pastors)
–IMPLICATION: Folly and self-destructive to not read our Bibles or be part of a local church.
-Youtube videos or books are no substitute for Christ’s apostles and pastors of a local church.
-Our growth as Christians is shaped by God’s goals.
-God’s goals are good, righteous, and for His glory—not an easy self-centered life.
God’s Goals:
-Equip the saints for the work of ministry
-God has ministry for us, and the Bible and pastors are to equip us in this.
-Evangelism, discipleship, be faithful in serving each other (Eph 2:10)
-For building up the body of Christ
-We work together to build up the body of Christ [CHURCH]
-Until we all attain to the unity of the faith and knowledge of the Son of God
-Growing up in unityàtakes work and persistence
-Knowledge of the Son of GodàOur joy and pursuit
-[reach] mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ
-No longer be baby Christians, but mature and Christ-like
APPLICATION: God’s GOALS are for our holiness.
-God will grow us to be more and more like Jesus: John 15:1-2
Growing up as Christians is possible, because God is the one who brings it about.
-Our growth in maturity actually is for our spiritual protection.
-No longer Children (14)
-Immature believers can be tossed around by ‘winds of doctrine, human cunning, craftiness in deceitful schemes’
-Mature believers can weather the stone, and are like the house built on the rock (Matt 7:24-27)
-Speaking the truth in love (15a)
-Fitting and right thing for a growing Christian to do.
-Grow up in every into Christ (15b-16)
-God grows us in every aspect of our lives
-Builds itself up in love (16b)
-Love is the context for all our growth.
BELIEVER: Your growth may feel small, pathetic, weak, but know that God, by His grace, will bring it about.
-Ultimately, we can take heart, because God will carry on the work He started within us (Phil 1:6)
CONCLUSION: Growth is possible and will take place as God brings it about.
*Spiritual growth happens by God’s grace, through his gifts, and is shaped by His goals.