Writings on Christianity

Ephesians 4:1-6 SERMON

Here’s my audio and notes for “Living Worthy of our Calling” based on Ephesians 4:1-6, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship on 1.12.24.

Ephesians 4:1-6 “Living WORTHY of our Calling”
INTRO: Illustration—Homeless man adopted into royal family who returns to homelessness
-Fitting or unfitting response to grace, mercy and love
-Same is true in gospel: fitting and unfitting to respond to God’s mercy, love and grace.
TODAY, we see how a Christian ought to live in response to the gospel.
       -We live differently, because we ought to LIVE WORTHY of our calling in the gospel.
          M.I.: The fitting response to the gospel is to live like Christ in our relationships with each other and pursue unity in the church
Today we begin the “application” portion of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians (ch 4-6)
-In ch 1-3, Paul has explained the gospel and why the Ephesians Christians ought to be filled with hope.
-Today, we see how this OUGHT to lead to a different way of living.
-There is a fitting and appropriate response to what God has done to u through the gospel
** The fitting response to the gospel is to live like Christ in our relationships with each other and pursue unity in the church

  1. A Christian OUGHT to Walk Worthy of His Calling (1)
    Here we have an instruction and a motivation.
    -NOTICE: “Therefore”
    -Because everything that has been said in Ephesians 1-3 is true and been experience by believers.
    -Truth of who God is and what He has done grounds the instruction to live differently!
    walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called
    WALK= Live: think, act, respond.
    -Our public and private lives; in church and outside of church
    WALK WORTHY: Worthy of the calling we have experienced in the gospel
    -Called to live differently: to be like Christ who shows us the true humanity.
    OF CALLING=God calls a people out of spiritual darkness into light, death to life, estrangement to reconciliation
    HAVE BEEN CALLED=Ephesians heard gospel and placed their faith in Jesus and were saved (Eph 2:8-9)
    MOTIVATION: Walk in a manner worthy of the calling
    -We OUGHT to live differently, because of the greatness, goodness, and beauty of what we’ve been called to in gospel.
    -Blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies (1:3)
    -Redeemed by the blood of Jesus and forgiven of all sin (1:7)
    -Sealed with the Holy Spirit and guaranteed eternal life (1:13-14)
    -The FITTING response: Walk worthy of this HIGH calling.
    NOTICE: We are not called to live differently IN ORDER TO BE SAVED.
    -Rather, we are called to live differently as those who have already been saved.
    -Motivation for holy living: LOVE, GRATITUDE, and living out our new identity as children of God!
    Believer: God has called you to Himself, and you are called to live worthy of His calling.
    -Let this freshly motivate you, and shake off any spiritual sluggishness.
    -See yourself as one who has experienced this grace in your life.
    Unbeliever: The gospel invitation is for you today
    -You have broken God’s laws and are far from Him, but Christ came and died for sinners.
    -If you believe in Christ, you will be saved. And if this has happened to you, you have been called!
    TRANSITIONAL QUESTION: What does it look like to ‘walk worthy of our calling’?
  2. Walking Worthy of our Calling Means Becoming More Like Jesus (2)
    Here Paul gives us some ways that ‘walking worthy’ of our calling looks like.
    -We see that it means being like Jesus in our relationships with others!
    1. With All Humility.
    -Humility is not thinking too highly of yourself or position.
    -Pride is opposite of humility: Arrogance AND Self-pity
    Walking worthy of our calling means showing humility in our relationship in the church.
    -Jesus the humble one: Phil 2:5-8
          *QUESTION: Where is there pride in your heart and relationships? How is God calling you to pursue humility?
    2. With Gentleness.
          -Not WEAKNESS, but a restrained use of power and strength in tender love for another.
    -ILLUSTRATION: Very strong bodybuilder tenderly holding a baby.
    Walking worthy of our calling means showing gentleness toward each other in the church.
    -Jesus=gentle toward us: Matt 11:28-30
    *QUESTION: Where is there harsh, roughness in your interactions with others in the church?
    -How is God calling you to a greater gentleness in your relationships with others?
    3. With Patience.
          -Patience is love for another over time.
    -Not demanding or forcing a particular timeline or schedule
    -Not resenting the slowness of another.
                                  -Walking worthy of our calling means showing patience toward each other in the church.
                                              -Jesus=Patient toward us in all our slowness to follow and obey: 2 Peter 3:9
    *QUESTION: How is God calling you to show patience in your relationships with others in the church?
    4. Bearing with one another in love.
          -Christians “bear with one another”=put up with each other.
    -It is wonderful to know other Christians, but we are sinners and get on each other’s nerves at times!
    Refreshing honesty of biblical Christianity=honest about difficulty in human relationships.
    -Bearing with one another IN LOVE
    Walking worthy of our calling means showing genuine love and loving forbearance toward each other in the church.
                                  -Jesus=Great in love toward us Psalm 145:8
    How is God calling you to show a greater love and loving forbearance with others in the church?
  3. Walking Worthy of our Calling Means Pursuing Unity in the Church (3-6)
    A second aspect of walking worthy of our calling is pursuing unity in the church.
    -Jesus prayed for unity in the high priestly prayer: John 17:20-23
    -Walking worthy of the gospel includes pursuit of unity in the church (3)
    Eager to maintain: Active and purposeful pursuit of maintain unity.
    -Maintaining the Unity of the Spirit: Keeping up unity and rejecting divisiveness.
    -Psalm 133:1: Prov 6:19; Romans 16:17-18
    1. Unity does not mean uniformity in all areas: Christians different on secondary issues and practices
    2. Unity means being united in essential beliefs and orthodox practices.
    3. Unity is not an end in itself, but a byproduct of being a new creation.
    -We don’t value unity above truth or love, but loving, truth-telling church should be united in love.

How is unity possible? It is possible because of the nature of God and nature of God’s new Creation.
1. God is ONE Being in 3 Persons
-One Spirit…One Lord (JESUS)…One God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
-3 Persons in 1 God.
2. God’s New Creation—the people of God, saved by Christ—is a Unified Whole.
-One Body: the church.
-1 Cor 12:14-27
      -One Hope: hope of eternal life, that is our through our calling
-One faith: Set of basic and fundamental beliefs that all Christians hold to.
-One Baptism: A Christian shows the world His faith through baptism
-There already is a ONENESS in who we have become.
-Now, we ought to live this oneness out…

CONCLUSION: The fitting response to the gospel is to live like Christ in our relationships with each other and pursue unity in the church

By Tom Schmidt

Christian, husband of Rach, Church Planter,musician,

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