Writings on Christianity

Book of Haggai Study

Recently, we had an event where members of our church read through the whole book of Haggai aloud and then used questions to better understand the text. We called it ‘hot dogs and Haggai.’

Here’s an outline of our time together:



Some Questions to Work Through Together in Small Groups:

-Who wrote Haggai? What was Haggai’s role?
-What is original historical context of Haggai? (When does this book take place within the story of Israel?) [see Ezra 5:1]
-What connections are there with other OT books to help us understand it? Connections to NT?
-What is the Structure of Haggai? (How would you organize the book into units of thought?)
-What is the main idea(s)of Haggai?
-What questions do you have about particular words, people, places, or ideas referred to in the text?

-What does this book teach us about God?
-What does this book teach us about us and the world?
-What are some important theological categories to which this book contributes?
-How does this book point to Christ? (How does it find its ultimate fulfillment in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus?)
-What are some theological questions this book raises?
-How does this book stir our affections and love for God?

-How does this book compel us to live differently?
-How does it instruct us to think differently?
-How do we apply the message of Haggai to Christians today? (How is it profitable for ‘teaching’ us, ‘rebuking us,’ ‘correcting us,’ and ‘training us in righteousness’? [2 Tim 3:16])
-How does this book uniquely speak to our situation as a church? As Christians in the suburbs?
-How might CCF look different if we more faithfully lived out the message of Haggai today?

By Tom Schmidt

Christian, husband of Rach, Church Planter,musician,

2 replies on “Book of Haggai Study”

Hi Tom,
I have been going to.
Saint Elizabeth Seton church in Coral Springs, FL. For about a year now. I read your Fabulous
Scripture Reflections & am now saving them & am going to share them with my family as I have a grandson who has a big interest in religion & I’m teaching myself the Bible.
Your writings are very Inspiring & I would like to know if you post them on line. I’m not very savvy with the internet but i’m getting better.
I hope you keep writing for St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church.
We have a wonderful new pastor, Fr. Andrew Tomonto,
He will be gone for 2 weeks & looking forward for his return & your next scripture readings.
Sincerely, Jan. Bonner I’m 86 active yrs. old.

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