Writings on Christianity

Armor of God (Part 1) Ephesians 6:10-20 Sermon

Eph 6:10-13 “Armor of God” Part 1

Intro: Imagine you were born in France in the 1350—you were born into a war (100 years war [France/England])
-We too were born into a time of war—spiritual war. Conflict between the devil and God’s angels and people.
-Jesus Christ is our victor, and won a decisive victory over Satan, sin, and death at cross and resurrection
-But until his return, there is still a real war happening today, and Satan is doing much damage.
*MI: The Christian life is one of spiritual warfare, but in Christ we can be strong and aware of the dangers we face.
CONTEXT: Last major section and the end of the Paul’s letter.
-Eph 1-3: Gospel Explained; Eph 4-6: How to live as a Christian
-In conclusion, Paul calls believers to be strong and take up the armor of God and engage in the spiritual war
-Today, we look at the beginning of the passage: call to be strong and a description of our enemies.
-(Next week, armor of God and the battle we fight).
*TODAY: 2 B’s: 1 Be Strong in the LORD; 2. Be Aware of the Dangers we Face

  1. Be STRONG IN THE LORD (10-11)
    The Christian life is often hard and requires effort and strength.
    -Some situations require extraordinary strength over long periods of time.
    -Paul begins this last section with a call to BE STRONG IN THE LORD.
    -Be Strong in the LORD (10) Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.
          -A believer is to find spiritual strength from GOD Himself (in the Lord)
    -Here is the place of power: (strength of his might)
    *A MISTAKE WE MAKE: Rely on our own strength
    -We need God’s strength in the spiritual battles we face and in everyday obedience: Phil 2:12-13
    *QUESTION: How do we become STRENGTHED BY GOD?
    -ASK Him for it through prayer
    -Abide in Christ (John 15:4)
    -Draw near to Christ in our hearts
    -Delight in and worship God
    -Fill our mind and heart with the truth of who God is
    -We act in faith while depending on God.
    -Are you depending on God’s power for everyday Christian living?
    -It is a gracious invitation and command: Get your strength from God, not yourself!

1. Put on/take up on the whole armor of God (11, 13)
Put on the whole armor of God… Therefore take up the whole armor of God
      -We will cover this more fully next week, but for now notice:
-Christian is to take an active posture in the spiritual battle.
-No place for passivity in this fight.
-God has given us the equipment we need for the fight
-Take some time to think about the armor of God this coming week.
2. STAND FIRM (13b) having done all, to stand firm.
      -We’ll also consider this next week but for now consider.
-There is an active force working against our joy and obedience in Christ
-The Christian is called to stand up in the face of evil.
We’re passive don’t take up the fight
-The Christian life, and spiritual battle, are hard, but God is our strength.
-He will help you.

  1. BE AWARE of the Spiritual DANGERS We Face (12-13)
    LEWIS: “There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them.”
    -Being Aware of the dangers is a great help to us in our spiritual warfare.

1 SCHEMES OF THE DEVIL stand against the schemes of the devil.
      –Devil: fallen angel, who works against God’s plans and people
-His days are numbered and He can only do what God allows.
SCHEMES: The devil has plans to bring ruin to our lives.
Genesis 3:1-7: 1 Questioning God’s Word; 2 Questioning God’s character.
-You and I face the schemes of the devil who wants to steal our joy in Christ and lead us astray.

-Our opponent is not human: For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood
-Good for us to remember, that it is not other humans, but spiritual beings that oppose us.
-Our Opponents:
4: but against the rulers,…authorities…cosmic powers over this present darkness…spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places
-Demonic beings (fallen angels) who work with Satan to bring about ruin in our lives.
-Real, though invisible to us.
-Remembering these real opponents, helps us be more wise in the spiritual battle.
3 EVIL DAY present darknessable to withstand in the evil day,”
-This age is an age of darkness and evil.
-Some days are especially evil (evil day).
-This help us be more wise in the spiritual battles we face.                              –



  1. Unity in the church (4:1-10).
    2. Bad doctrine and spiritual immaturity (4:14-15)
    3. Worldliness (4:17)
    4. Sinful Anger (4:26)
    5. Corrupting Talk (4:29)
    6. Bitterness and a Refusal to Forgive (4:32)
    7. Sexual Sin (5:3)
    8. Wasting time (5:16)
    9. Getting Drunk (5:18)
    10. Wives refusing to submit to their husbands (5:22-24)
    11. Husbands refusing to sacrificially and tenderly love their wives (5:25-33)
    12. Children disobeying their parents (6:1-3)
    13. Parents neglecting to discipline and raise their children in the Lord (6:4)
    14. Living for Self in our Vocations (6:5-8)
    15. Using our Places of Leadership in a self-exalting manner (6:9)


In all of these we need to be strong in the Lord and beware of the spiritual battle (take up armor of God and pray!).

-Unbeliever, though unaware, you are currently serving Satan (Eph 2:1-3)
-But if through Christ you can be delivered of Satan’s power and made spiritually alive.
-Jesus came to save you from your sins, so that you might be freed to love God and walk in His ways
-Believe in Christ, come to Him in faith. You will be saved (Eph 2:8-9)
Believer, there is a real battle we face, but God has more power for us than we realize.
-Consider Paul’s prayer in Eph 1:18-23.
-Rely on God’s power

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