Writings on Christianity

An Advent Devotional

An Advent Devotional

(Here’s a devotional I wrote for North Central College’s Advent Daily Devotional 2017)

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:5) ESV

In the arrival of Christ, the Son of God, we behold light that overcomes darkness.

The darkness of sin, selfishness, racism, greed, and even the coldness of own hearts is no match for the vanquishing light of Christ. His light drives out the darkness, melts stony hearts, and brings us into the brilliant radiance of God’s presence. His light heralds a victory over sin, darkness, and death. It cuts through the fog of confusion, anguish, and despair, and grips us with wonder at the wisdom of God, whose ways are always good and true.

This Advent season, we do well to rejoice in the light of Christ.

It is glorious and pure: eternally shining, even before there were any stars in the universe; enduring forever, outlasting all the combined glories of every human civilization.

We see it most clearly in the face of Jesus, full of love, who came to rescue sinners through his death on the cross.

Prayer: God we praise you for the light of Christ, which has overcome the darkness and which guides us today.

By Tom Schmidt

Christian, husband of Rach, Church Planter,musician,

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