Here’s the notes for sermon on Acts 25, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship on 3.3.24.

“I Appeal to Caesar!” Acts 25
INTRO: VIRITUAL REALIY; Apple’s Vision Pro; Dinosaur; EVERYTHING belongs to that world. ALL belongs to God!
-Everything belongs to God: Provides for and works through non-Christian persons and systems to bless his people
-We see this in the text today: Paul experienced significant help & God’s protection through a Roman Law.
-God today: Provides for and work through non-Christian secular means for His people
-God is amazing and He will bring about His good purposes for His people even through secular means!
By remembering that God–who owns everything–often works through secular means to provide for and bless His people, we can be more faithful and wise in carrying out the good works He has for us today.
*CONTEXT: Paul is in prison in Caesarea, desiring to get to Rome
-Completed 3rd missionary journey and returned to Jerusalem with gift for poor Jewish Christians
-In Jerusalem angry mob of Jews almost killed him, but his life was delivered by Roman soldiers
-Multiple attempts to kill Paul, but God continues to protect Paul through Roman soldiers
-Jesus has appeared to Paul in jail and reassured him that he will get to Rome
-Paul is in Caesarea, had trial before governor Felix, who left him in jail last 2 years
TODAY: New governor and Paul’s life is in danger again.
-We see God work through a non-Christian system to deliver Paul.
-We marvel at God’s deliverance and seek to apply this to our lives today.
By remembering that God–who owns everything–often works through secular means to provide for and bless His people, we can be more faithful and wise in carrying out the good works He has for us today.
I. Paul Before Festus (1-11a)
-New Governor in town! (1-5)
-Festus is governor and visits his constituents in Jerusalem (1)
-Paul’s Jewish opponents request Paul be sent to them (2-3)
–NOTE: ‘they were planning an ambush to kill him on the way’ (3)
-Festus declines the Jewish leaders wishes and invites them to Caesarea for trial there (4-5)
*God’s protection of Paul through Roman Legal System
-Paul Before Festus (6-11a)
-Festus returns to Caesarea and takes his place as judge at tribunal before Paul (6)
-Jewish opponents bring their “many and serious charges” against Paul (7)
-Paul argues for his innocence again (8)
-THREEFOLD innocence: Jews/temple/Caesar
-Festus offers Paul to face charges in Jerusalem before him (9)
-Paul declines the offer to face trial in Jerusalem (10-11a)
-He ought to be tried there (10a)
-He is innocent (10b-11a)
-Also, not afraid to die if he deserves it (11b)
-Difference between dying because you deserve to die and handing self over to unjust death
–EXAMPLE: Jumping in front of car to save someone or just for sake of it John 15:13
-Paul is legally protected from being handed over to his Jewish opponents in Jerusalem (11c)
-Surely Paul knew that goes to Jerusalem was death sentence: Prov 22:3
APP: Life is precious.
1. We ought to protect life.
–Ancient Rome Christians adopting abandoned babies.
–Today: Unborn, Weak and Vulnerable
-Abortion, Euthanasia, Suicide
-Why should we fight for the weak? Why uphold life?
-If atheism is true, there is no rational reason: survival of the fittest.
-Christian worldview provides the foundation for this: life is precious, it’s a gift from God.
2. Courage in the face of death
-Phil 1:21-23
-Craig Worley
-Do you have this courage? If you are a Christian, you can.
II. Paul’s Appeal to Caesar (11b-12)
Paul wisely utilized a Roman legal system to secure his safety, that he might get to Rome to preach the gospel.
-Paul’s Appeal to Caesar (11b-12)
-Paul ‘appeals to Caesar’ (11b)
-Citizens of Rome could legally appeal their case to the Emperor
-This ensured a fair trial for those in danger of unfair legal circumstances
-Paul’s Appeal Accepted (12)
OBSERVE: Paul’s wisdom
-Paul did not want to throw his life away, but wanted to get to Rome to minister the gospel there.
-He utilized a secular legal measure to his advantage and the advantage of gospel ministry –Augustine: “Plunder the Egyptians” ANALOGY
APP: God Brings about His Good Purposes EVEN Through Unbelievers and Secular Systems
*ILLUSTRATION: Called to build an orphanage in South Sudan (tooth, music, travel, building, protection)
1. As Christians, we should not be afraid to utilize secular resources
-Scholastics, legal systems, unbelieving individuals
-Teachers, Technology, Training, Tools
-If God is calling you to a particular work that requires a particular skill or training, you may receive
through non-Christians:
-Missionary to Germany; Culinary Skills; Scientific knowledge.
-Learning, Benefits and Systems of culture may be products of God’s grace for all to enjoy.
2. As Christians, we must still be discerning as we utilize non-Christian systems
-There is an unbelieving worldview, and so we must discern what to keep and what to pass by (Matt 10:16)
-Unbiblical views, attitudes, approaches must be rejected: Dentist; Music Teacher
-Parents train your children.
-Everyone, be diligent students of Scripture.
By remembering that God–who owns everything–often works through secular means to provide for and bless His people, we can be more faithful and wise in carrying out the good works He has for us today.
III. Paul Before King Agrippa and Bernice (13-27)
-Festus Confers with King Agrippa and Bernice (13-22)
-King Agrippa ruled over an area of land, which included Palestine
-He was Jewish and so was his sister Benice
-Festus explains the situation of Paul and explains his inability to legal charges against Paul (14-21)
-Agrippa is interested in hearing from Paul (22)
-Paul Stands Before a King and High Officials (23-27)
-King and high officials arrive and Paul stands before them (23)
-Fulfillment of Acts 9:15!
-Stage is set for Paul to explain himself, share his testimony and proclaim the gospel! (24-27)
OBSERVE: God brings about good from evil.
-Paul’s Jewish opponents meant for him to be silenced, instead Paul is preaching before a king!
-Gen 50:20
-Same today: VICE NEWS VIDEO mocking Christians
APP: Let’s remember that God brings about His good purposes, even in evil events.
-Nothing can thwart his plans.
By remembering that God–who owns everything–often works through secular means to provide for and bless His people, we can be more faithful and wise in carrying out the good works He has for us today.
-Precious life of Jesus, willing to give it in love for you on the cross: Romans 5:6-8
-God utilizing the Roman system of capital punishment (execution by death on a cross): Isaiah 53:4
-God used what was meant for evil to bring about good: Acts 2:23-24