Introduction: Starting on September 22nd at Cross of Christ Fellowship, we will be going through the book of Philippians together as a church. This sermon series will take us through the end of 2019.

To prepare for this series, tonight we will spend some time becoming more acquainted with the book. Philippians is a letter that the Apostle Paul wrote the church in Philippi (Phil 1:1). It was sent by the apostle to encourage and instruct the Christians at Philippi as they sought to live out their faith.
We’ll begin our study by trying to better understand the historical situation of the Philippian church through looking as described in Acts 16; then we’ll read through the entire letter of Philippians together and ask some questions of the text; we’ll conclude by asking God to use the truths of this book to shape our hearts and lives.
CONTEXT: Let’s begin our study by looking at the book of Acts where we learn about how the church of Philippi began. READ ACTS 16:6-40
1. What led Paul to go the region of Philippi (Macedonia)? (see Acts 16:6-10)
2. In your own words, describe how the church at Philippi began (Acts 16:11-40).
3. Who were some of the kinds of people involved in the church?
4. What were some of the challenges they faced?
Read through Philippians together
1. What was the historical situation that led Paul to write this letter? (Where was Paul? Who brought a gift to Paul from Philippi? See Phil 1:1-2; 2:25-30; 2:19-24; 4:10-19)
2. What do you think were Paul’s concerns about what was happening in the Philippian church? (1:27-2:4; 3:1-11)
3. What are some of the big themes you notice in Philippians?
4. Are these parts of this book that seem particularly relevant to where God has you right now in your life? Any passage particularly encouraging or convicting or informing?
5. What are some of the important theological truths about God taught in this book?
6. What are some key truths about Christian living taught in this book?
Paul’s heart was to see the Philippian Christians experience a “progress and joy in the faith” (Phil 1:25b) and this letter was surely written to that end. Take some time to pray together for your own progress and joy in the faith and for the church as we begin a season in Philippians.
1. PROGRESS: Pray that God would grow you, your CG, the church in maturity and godliness. That the gospel would bear the fruit of lives that more like Jesus.
2. JOY: Pray that God would renew your joy in Christ through the gospel.
3. SERMON SERIES: Pray that God would use our time in Philippians for His glory and our good.