Christians often sing and speak about the love of God. But what is God’s love like? What is the nature of God’s love?
7 Wonderful Truths about God’s love :

1. God’s Love is Part of His Very Nature: 1 John 4:8 “God is love”
God, within His very nature, is love. The Father loves the Son in the fullness of the Holy Spirit–3 persons united in love. The glorious triune nature of God–one God who is eternally 3 persons–exists in a fullness of love within Himself. There never was a time when God was not loving. God did not need a Creation outside of Himself to begin loving. God has always loved. It is this God who pours out His love upon us.
2. God’s Love is Holy and Pure: Isaiah 6:3 “Holy, Holy, Holy is the LORD of hosts”
God is holy and there is no sin within Him. Unlike us, every act of love that God expresses is a holy love, a love that is free from defilement and impurity. God’s love is a holy love.
3. God’s Love is Impartial: Rom 2:11 “God shows no partiality”
The patriach Jacob showed a sinful partiality toward Joseph (Gen 37). We too show partiality in our dealings with others. But shows no partiality. All who believe in Christ will be saved. God has integrity in His love.
4. God’s Love is Genuine: Rom 12:9 “Let love be genuine”
Our love often lacks sincerity. Some outright deceive and feign a love to gave something from someone else. But God’s love is genuine and authentic. There is no deceit or deception to it.
5. God’s Love is self-giving: John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave his only Son…”
God has no needs (aseity). Every act of love toward His Creation is one of grace and self-giving love. God gives us what we need and even more than this: He gives us Himself to know and enjoy! His love is displayed in the gospel, where God gives the Son to die for us on a cross so that our sins might be forgiven. Herein is a self-giving love.
6. God’s Love is Faithful: 2 Tim 2:13 “If we are faithless, he remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself.’
God is faithful in His love to us. He is faithful in every season and age. He is faithful to us when we are faithless to Him. His love is constant and un-wandering.
7. God’s Love is enduring: Ps 103:17 “But the steadfast love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him”
God’s love never ends. It is an everlasting love that we will experience into eternity. We’ll never tire of God’s love, but forever delight and enjoy the eternal love of our glorious infinite God.
(This post was adapt from a sermon I preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship “Joy in God” on 6/23/24).