Writings on Christianity

Moralism vs. Gospel Motivation

The  commands of the Bible come at us a with a white-hot purity: ‘Consider the needs of others to be more important than your own’ (Phil 2:3-4).  Hearing such a command cuts us to the heart as the revelation of our own selfishness becomes clear.  We are self-centered, very self-centered.  The more we let the […]

Writings on Christianity

Inerrancy of Scripture

Vanhoozer on the Inerrancy of Scripture I was always bummed that I did not get to take a class under the theologian Kevin Vanhoozer during my time at Wheaton.  His writings have really encouraged me and help me understand how to think biblically and theologically about the Bible as God’s revelation of Himself.  Today, I […]

Writings on Christianity

To Sing or Not To Sing: Is it Biblical, Beautiful, and Beneficial?

Recently, my friend Dan Alcantara and I challenged each other to write a song that could be used in  corporate worship setting.  I love writing songs and think this will be a great challenge.  It has really got me thinking about the components of a good worship song.  In my own opinion, I believe a […]

Writings on Christianity

Selfishness: The Illusion of Freedom

This week I’m preaching on Phil 2:3-4. The passage has really got me thinking about the notion of selfishness and selfish ambitions.  We live in a culture which drinks up the belief that pursuing self interest at any cost will result in our greatest happiness and most vibrant liberty.  The most hienous evil is when […]

Writings on Christianity

Ministry Books

Over the next few months I’ll be working through these books.  I’m really looking forward to learning from these godly thinkers and hopefully growing in my pastoral knowledge.     What books would you suggest for those preparing to enter into full-time vocational ministry?

Writings on Christianity

Happy Birthday Rach!

Happy Birthday to my beautiful, lovely wife Rach!

Writings on Christianity

The Grace of God Has Appeared (book of Titus)

I love putting Scripture to music.  Over the years I have put different passages of the Bible to music (you can hear some of my songs here and here).  I find that putting Scripture to music is very edifying and encouraging to my own soul. A couple years back I spent a summer studying Titus […]

Writings on Christianity

9 Reasons Why You Should Learn the New City Catechism

Why learn a catechism?  What is the point of memorizing a bunch of questions and answers?  Aren’t there better ways to spend our time, effort, and energy?  Here’s 9 reasons why you should learn the New City Catechism (NCC). 1. It will teach you the basics of Christianity.  What do you believe and why do […]

Writings on Christianity

New City Catechism 1-4 Discussion Questions

As mentioned in an earlier post, my community group has been going through and learning the  New City Catechism (NCC) together.  The catechism is an excellent resource for small group study.  To help others utilize NCC, my friend Brian Malcom and I have recently begun creating discussion questions for each of the questions. Here’s what […]

Writings on Christianity

3 Hopes and 3 Challenges for Growing in Community

The church I attend (Redeemer Fellowship) does a great job of emphasizing the importance of small group gatherings.  We call these gatherings community groups (CG), and the function of each CG is to provide a place to gather for community, fellowship, prayer, and service.  The focus is on the gospel and the groups are biblically […]