Writings on Christianity

Some Thoughts about Spiritual Growth and Ephesians 4:7-16

SOME RANDOM THOUGHTS RELATED TO SPIRITUAL GROWTH AND EPH 4:7-16 -Spiritual growth as a Christian shows itself in many ways. 1. Growth in godliness (being more like Christ) 2. Growth in spiritual disciplines (prayer, reading God’s Word, fellowship, giving) 3. Growth in obedience 4. Growth in wisdom 5. Growth in the knowledge of Christ and […]

Writings on Christianity

Ephesians 4:1-6 SERMON

Here’s my audio and notes for “Living Worthy of our Calling” based on Ephesians 4:1-6, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship on 1.12.24. Ephesians 4:1-6 “Living WORTHY of our Calling” INTRO: Illustration—Homeless man adopted into royal family who returns to homelessness -Fitting or unfitting response to grace, mercy and love -Same is true in gospel: […]

Writings on Christianity

Ephesians 4:1-6 FLOW of Thought (Greek)


Writings on Christianity

Psalm 145 Sermon: GREAT is the LORD!

Here’s my notes and audio for “Great is the LORD!” sermon based on Psalm 145, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. Psalm 145 “Great is the LORD!” INTRO: New Year’s resolutions/goals: weight loss; finances; greater faithfulness -Ps 145=I will worship God and rejoice in his greatness! -As we look to a new year, […]

Writings on Christianity

2024 Books Read

I am thankful for the books I was able to read, listen to, and read aloud as a family. It was, as usual, a mix of those and quite a few rereads. Some of my favorite highlights: -Listening to  the Lord of the Rings aloud as a family (Serkis). Such a treat to introduce this […]

Writings on Christianity

Jesus, the Nazarene! Sermon (Matt 2:19-23)

Writings on Christianity

CAN SCIENCE EXPLAIN IT ALL? A Free Event for North Central College Students

Writings on Christianity

Matthew 2:1-12 Sermon

Here’s my notes and audio for “Jesus, the KING” based on Matthew 2:1-12 preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship on 12.8.24. Matt 2:1-12: “Jesus, the KING” Intro: See a baby in the nativity. But don’t miss this biblical claim: Jesus is KING. -As Americans we struggle with the idea of living under a king (see […]

Writings on Christianity

“GOD WITH US” Sermon

Here’s my notes and audio for our 2024 Carol Service (Cookies & Carols) sermon “God with us” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville.  Cookies and Carols 2024: “Emmanuel, God with Us” Matt 1:23b: “‘and they shall call his name Immanuel’ (which means God with us).” INTRO: Many of our favorite Christmas carols contain […]

Writings on Christianity