Writings on Christianity

PROBLEM of Death & PLAN of God to OVERCOME it

I’m preaching a short 3 part series on the “Death of Death” (title inspired by John Owen!) at Cross of Christ Fellowship. Here’s the notes for my first sermon “Problem of Death and PLAN of God.” DEATH OF DEATH SERMON 1: The PROBLEM OF DEATH & PLAN TO OVERCOME IT. Intro: Everyone of us faces […]

Writings on Christianity

What does the Bible Teach about the Afterlife?

The Bible teaches that it is possible to know what will happen to humans after physical death. This is not a knowledge that can be learned through human reasoning or scientific inquiry or even through mere experience (our experience or the experience of others). Our knowledge about the afterlife of humans is a knowledge given […]

Writings on Christianity

A Blog Post on DEATH

I remember hearing D.A. Carson state that the taboo topic in our culture is DEATH. People are comfortable talking about all sorts of other things (sex, politics, etc.), but things get awkward when death is brought up. We recently talked about death together at our meetup discussion group. The first question we thought about was […]

Writings on Christianity

FORGIVENESS and Worldview

How does your worldview (your overall understanding of reality) shape how you approach the notion of forgiveness? As I grapple with the concept, I would argue that how we approach FORGIVENESS shows that we assume some kind of objective morality (moral standards that are real, not arbitrarily invented by evolved apes or merely the preferences […]

Writings on Christianity

Worldview Curriculum

Our friend Elizabeth Urbanowicz has a wonderful ministry that seeks to equip children with a biblical worldview. You can learn all about it here: We are so encouraged by this ministry and hope that many take advance of it and its resources. It is a great resource to use for Christian parents, home schools, […]

Writings on Christianity

Tsouloufis Essay (Part 2)

Here’s the second part of Dan Tsouloufis’ essay: So how does an atheist define morality without an absolute standard that the human race can adhere to?  As a Christian, I believe that notions of right and wrong are woven into the fabric of the universe because of God, the same way that we can know […]

Writings on Christianity

Tsouloufis Essay (Part 1)

Worldview, Secular Ethics, and Cognitive Dissonance: An Essay by Dan Tsouloufis (part 1) “My Thoughts on Worldview, Secular Ethics, and Cognitive Dissonance” by Dan Tsouloufis  There are many people who grow up believing in God, then at some point in their life they no longer believe that God is real, and they come to the […]