Writings on Christianity

Ephesians 5:15-21 Sermon: BE WISE and BE SPIRIT-FILLED

Ephesians 5:15-21: “Be Wise and Spirit-filled” Intro: Crossfit gym powerlifting; orientation class; continued instruction in gym sessions. -We need to be instructed how to live as faithful Christians, and God has given us that here in the Bible. -2 Instructions for Christians: Christians are called to be wise in the time given to us and […]

Writings on Christianity

Acts 23 Sermon Outline

Here’s my sermon audio and notes for my sermon on Acts 23, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship on 2/18/2024. “Paul before the Sanhedrin” Acts 22:30-23:35 Intro: A key to text to understanding book of Acts is Acts 1:8: ‘You will be my witnesses…”-This was the task of the church in the first century and […]

Writings on Christianity

The Wisdom & Goodness of Following Jesus

A reflection on Matthew 25:1-30 Matt 25:1-30 Reflection: The Wisdom and Goodness of Living for Jesus Christ In Matthew 25:1-30 Jesus gives two parables which help his disciples pursue faithful obedience while they wait for his return. Jesus really is coming back one day, and this will be a glorious day where the kingdom of […]

Writings on Christianity

The Indomitable Wisdom of Christ

INDOMITABLE: Impossible to subdue or defeat ( The wisdom of Jesus Christ is indomitable. No one and no situation can thwart it. We see this in the ministry of Jesus as various situations and opponents arise: the devil seeks to tempt and defeat Jesus (Matt 4); various diseases and demon-possessions seem like they would be […]

Writings on Christianity

Is Wisdom a Myth?

IS WISDOM JUST A MYTH? Permit me to run a thought experiment. What if wisdom is just a myth? What if there is no such thing as wisdom, what if wisdom is just an arbitrary human convention? It seems to be if we live in a God-less reality—a naturalistic worldview—then wisdom is merely a myth. […]

Writings on Christianity

Wisdom, Scoffers, & Sophistry

WISDOM, SCOFFERS, AND SOPHISTRY Wisdom is the application of knowledge with virtue. Sophistry is using language and arguments as a means to winning a debate, sound clever, and trick others into doing what you want, without concern for truth or virtue. The term SOPHISTRY is derived from the ancient Greek school of the Sophists, who […]