Writings on Christianity

Dealing with an Objection to Hell: Unjust of God to Give an Eternal Punishment for a Finite Crime?

The doctrine of an ETERNAL hell has many objectors today. A lot of people cannot fathom how God could be just and send anyone to hell, especially if it is an eternal hell for sins committed in this temporary life. The question is ‘How could such a thing be fair?’ This is an not a […]

Writings on Christianity

The Happiness of Man

“The happiness of man in this life consists, 1. In his union with God; 2. In his communion with God; 3. In his conformity to God; 4. In his spiritual fruition and enjoyment of God.” -Thomas Brooks

Writings on Christianity

Even Greater Work of Redemption (Thomas Brooks)

Thomas Brooks reminds us that while the work of Creation is glorious, but the work of redemption in the gospel is even more glorious: “If you compare the work of redemption with other great works, you must necessarily conclude that the work of redemption is a great work. The making of the world was a […]

Writings on Christianity

Thomas Brooks on the GREAT WORK OF MINISTRY

“I have always looked upon the great work of the ministry to live in two things: first, in making unholy men holy; and, secondly, in making them that are already holy to be more and more holy.” -Thomas Brooks (“The Crown and Glory of Christianity” p 32 [Complete Works; Vol 4])

Writings on Christianity

Thomas Brooks’ Word to Preachers

The puritan Thomas Brooks has this word to preachers about how they ought to preach and live: Gentlemen, either preach as the minsters of Jesus Christ ought to preach–viz., plainly, spiritually, powerfully, feelingly, fervently, frequently, &c., and live as the ministers of Jesus Christ ought to live–viz., heavenly, graciously, holily, humbly, righteously, harmlessly, and exemplarily, […]