Writings on Christianity

3 Myths about Being a Christian Refuted (from Romans 8:18-25)

3 Myths Refuted (some thoughts from today’s sermon passage in Romans 8:18-25) 1. If I am a Christian I won’t have to suffer. FALSE. Actually, you will suffer in this life (Rom 8:18), but what is coming after this life makes it all worth. Our suffering is not worthy of comparing with what is coming, […]

Writings on Christianity

A Catechism on Suffering

A Short Catechism on Suffering: Q. What is suffering? A. “Having what we do not want to have or not having what we do want to have” (Elisabeth Elliot’s definition) Q .Why is there suffering in the world? A. Because of the sin of our first parents Adam and eve, our sin, and the sin […]

Writings on Christianity

A Precious Truth To Cling to In the Midst of Trials

The Christian is not promised an easy life in this world. To assume that following Christ will lead a trouble-free life is not something that the Bible supports, it is really a soft version of the prosperity gospel. The Christian—even the Christian in the affluent, comfortable, safe, suburbs of the West—will face trials, hardships, and […]

Writings on Christianity

Prosperity Gospel-Lite

It is easy to point out the mistakes of the Joel Olsteen “Your Best Life Now” theology. The prosperity gospel is far removed from the NT teaching on the cost of discipleship (Matt 16:24-26) and the reality that suffering is something that Christians will endure in this life (Phil 1:29). Most in my circles (evangelical, […]