Writings on Christianity


Here’s my sermon notes for Romans 8:5-11, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. You can hear the audio here. Romans 8:5-11 “A Glorious Transfer”Intro: Imagine a poor woman, saddled with debt and difficulties, marries a prince. What happens? (I got the idea for this from Glen Scrivener and my wife also suggested the […]

Writings on Christianity

The Freedom we REALLY Need (Romans 8:2-4 Sermon Outline)

This past week I was privileged to preach on Romans 8:2-4 at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. Here’s my outline (you can listen to it here). Romans 8:2-4 “The Freedom We REALLY Need” INTRO:  Braveheart illustration: William Wallace shouting FREEDOM      -Our society also values freedom (voting, speech, religion, choice, travel, pursue our dreams, follow […]

Writings on Christianity

Psalm 111 Sermon

I preached this sermon at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville (you can hear the audio here under “stand alone sermons”). “The Great Works of God” Psalm 111Intro: What do you do when you feel bored with God? Heart feels dry and cold toward Him? World feels more real?        -Psalms lead us back to worship […]

Writings on Christianity

Jesus, the GREAT LIGHT

Here’s the outline to the sermon I preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship for our Carol Service 2021 (Cookies & Carols) The GREAT LIGHT of Jesus (Matt 4:16) Matthew 4:16: “the people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light,and for those dwelling in the region and shadow of death, on them a light has […]

Writings on Christianity

Jesus is TRULY God

This weekend I preached a sermon on John 1:14 at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. Below is the outline. You can listen to the audio on our sermon page. John 1:14 “The WORD… who is GOD” INTRO: If someone you asked to explain what Christians believe about Christmas, using only one verse from the […]

Writings on Christianity

Rightly Understand Grace (Part 2) Romans 6:15-23 Outline

Here’s the notes from my sermon on Romans 6:15-23, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville, Illinois. Romans 6:15-23 “Rightly Understanding Grace” (Part 2) INTRO: There are lots of misunderstandings of Christianity in the world around us. Today: bigots and homophobic.        -1st century Christians were accused of being cannibals and incestuous.The apostles themselves had […]

Writings on Christianity

A Better Adam (Romans 5:12-14)

Here’s the notes from my sermon on Romans 5:12-14, that I preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship, our church in Naperville, on 9/19/21. You can hear the sermon here. A Better Adam (Part 1): The 1st Adam and the Hope of Another (5:12-14) Intro: This week I saw something that my wife and my children […]

Writings on Christianity

3 Reasons to Be Glad in God (Romans 5:2-5 Sermon Outline)

Here’s the notes from my sermon outline for Romans 5:2-5 preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship, our church in Naperville. You can listen to the sermon on this page. Romans 5:2-5 “3 Reasons to be Glad in God” Intro: There are many things in life that are wonderful, but we don’t realize how wonderful they […]

Writings on Christianity

Ordinary Means of Grace: Fellowship

Here’s my sermon outline for “Ordinary Means of Grace Part 2: FELLOWSHIP” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship, our church in Naperville. Means of Grace Week 2: Devoted to Fellowship (Acts 2:42) Intro: 1st of the LOTR Trilogy is Fellowship of the Ring. This “fellowship” refers to 9 individuals united in the purpose of seeing […]

Writings on Christianity

Ordinary Means of Grace Sermon: Word of God

Here’s the my sermon outline for my sermon on Word of God as an ordinary means of grace, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship, our church in Naperville. Means of Grace Week 1: Word of God Series intro: If you have been a Christian for very long, you know that sometimes it can be really […]