Here’s my sermon notes for “The FACT of the Incarnation” (Phil 2:6-7) preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. You can listen to it here. Phil 2:5-7 “The FACT of the INCARNATION” Intro: Suppose a neighbor or co-worker asked you, ‘What do Christians believe about Christmas?’ -What’s the best text you can take them […]
Tag: sermon
Here’s an outline for a sermon I preached on Romans 15:14-33 at Cross of Christ Fellowship. Romans 15:14-33 “Paul’s Priorities and Ours” INTRO: Did you know that there are some restaurants where the servers are intentionally rude to their customers? -Servers slam food on table, use vulgar language, make disparaging remarks, and intentionally try to […]
Here’s the notes for my sermon on Romans 12:17-21 “Overcoming Evil with Good,” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. You can listen to the audio here. “Overcoming Evil with Good” Romans 12:17-21INTRO: 21 years ago, roommate getting phone call to turn on TV as I got ready for my class. […]
Here’s the sermon notes for my sermon on Romans 11:1-10 preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville on 6/12/22. You can listen to the audio here. Romans 11:1-10 “Remnant Chosen by Grace” Intro: Today, there are roughly 15 million people in the world who identify as Jewish -Do you know what country has the […]
Here’s the sermon outline for Romans 10:5-13, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville, IL. If you like to listen to the audio, it can be found here. Romans 10:5-13 “TWO WAYS TO TRY TO BE RIGHT WITH GOD”INTRO: Paul had a difficult question to answer:‘If the gospel is God’s promised salvation to His […]
Romans 8 Sermon
Here’s the outline for my sermon Romans 8–a review sermon–preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. You can listen to the audio here. One More Look at Romans 8 (4/10/2022) INTRO: It has been a privilege to preach through Romans and I’ve enjoyed our time in Romans 8 these past 3 months. -Today is […]
Here’s my notes from my sermon on Romans 8:31-34 “Rejoicing in the Gospel” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. You can listen to sermon here. Romans 8:31-34 “Rejoicing in the Gospel”INTRO: 2016 Chicago Cubs Fan Illustration (expected response to Cubs World Series win) -How do we expect him to respond? Joy and Excitement. […]
Here’s my sermon outline for Romans 8:29-30 “The GOLDEN CHAIN OF SALVATION” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. You can listen to the audio here Romans 8:29-30 “The GOLDEN CHAIN of Salvation” INTRO: I love writing songs. I feel inspired, I get an idea or chord progression, or lyrics and put it all […]
Here’s my outline for the sermon I preached on Romans 8:28 at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. You can listen to the audio here. Rom 8:28 “All Things for Good”INTRO: How does a Christian carry on when life gets difficult? When you lose your job unexpectedly? When you get cancer? When marriage is far […]
Here’s the sermon notes for “Waiting in Hope” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. You can listen to it here. Rom 8:18-25 “Waiting in Hope” INTRO: Story of waiting 9 months for our visa.-All of us go through seasons or times or waiting. -You are probably waiting for something in your life right […]