Writings on Christianity

Ephesians 3:1-13 Greek Flow of Thought

Here’s the flow of thought in Ephesians 3:1-13 in the Greek:

Writings on Christianity

Haggai 1 Sermon

Here’s the audio and sermon note for my sermon on Haggai 1 “Build the House!” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. Haggai 1: “Build the House!”Intro: 586 B.C.: temple burned to ground and Jews carried to exile in Babylon     -In 539 King Cyrus frees the Jews and allows as many interested to go […]

Writings on Christianity

Ps 63:3 Sermon Outline

Here are the notes from sermon on Psalm 63:3 preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. Audio here.  Psalm 63:3 “Rejoicing in God’s Love” Part 2: JOY IN GOD SERIES SERMON 4 Intro: If I asked you, what is better than everything else, what would you say? What the greatest joy in your life?     […]

Writings on Christianity

Joy in God Sermon Outline (Psalm 16:11)

Here’s the sermon notes for “Joy in God” (Part 2) preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville, Illinois. The sermon is based on Psalm 16:11: audio here. JOY IN GOD WEEK 2: Psalm 16:11 Intro: Playing videos game and eventually the joy gets old… Is God like that?        -Hobbies and interests as adults: golf, […]

Writings on Christianity

Acts 20:17-36 SERMON

Here’s the audio for my sermon on Acts 20:17-36 “Paul’s Speech to the Elders of Ephesus” preached on 1/28/24 at Cross of Christ Fellowship.

Writings on Christianity

Acts 19:11-41 Sermon Outline

Here’s my sermon and sermon notes for Acts 19:11-41, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville on 1.14.24. Acts 19:11-41: 3 Approaches to ChristINTRO: As Christianity reaches a new area, it generates different responses        1 MEANS OF GAIN. (Use Christianity for mere personal profit or gain) [USE Christ]        2 THREAT TO GAIN. (Christ is […]

Writings on Christianity


Earlier in 2023 I preached a 3 part sermon series on the “Death of Death” (title inspired by John Owen). You can find the sermons on our church page and also here: DEATH OF DEATH PART 1 DEATH OF DEATH PART 2 DEATH OF DEATH PART 3

Writings on Christianity

Numbering Our Days

Here’s a sermon I preached on Psalm 90 on the first Sunday of 2023.

Writings on Christianity


Here are the sermon notes for my Advent sermon preached on Gal 4:4-5 at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. Advent 2023 WEEK 1: The Wonder of the Incarnation (Gal 4:4-5) INTRO: What are you most looking forward to this Christmas? Presents? Food? Family? Time off?        -For Christians, the greatest wonder of Christmas is the […]

Writings on Christianity

KINGDOM OF GOD (Book of Acts)

I preached an overview sermon on Acts 1-11 at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville and we especially focused in on the concept of the “kingdom of God” and Jesus as the king.                                                                     Acts 1-11 SERMON: The Kingdom of God                    Luke 13:18-19 “kingdom of God”INTRO: Recently finished biography on Napoleon Bonaparte; military […]