Writings on Christianity

Living as a Christian in Naperville: 3 Additional Challenges

We continue our series “Living as a Christian in Naperville.” (To see the earlier posts, click here for our Introduction to the topic of how living in a location impacts one’s faith in Christ, here for how living in Naperville can help a Christian live for Christ, and here for the reality of 4 idols […]

Writings on Christianity

Living as a Christian in Naperville: Considering the Challenge of IDOLS

Today we continue our series “Living as a Christian in Naperville.” You can find the introduction post here, and how living in Naperville can be beneficial for a Christian’s faith here. In some ways it is very EASY to be a Christian in Naperville: no one is physically persecuting me, I have freedom to go […]

Writings on Christianity

Entrusted With a Child’s Heart

Entrusted with a Child’s Heart This past year our church, Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville, hosted a year long study called “Entrusted with a Child’s Heart.” It was the first year we tried it as a church, and we found that it was worth the time and energy. Each week some of the mothers […]

Writings on Christianity

Culture Will Impact our Faith

Our Culture Will Impact the Soundness of Our Christian Faith To be “sound in the faith” is to embrace the truth of the gospel message without being distorted by false teaching and false practice. We see this in Titus 1:13-14, where Paul’s heart is that the Cretan believers would be “sound in the faith” and […]

Writings on Christianity

Beauty of the Gospel Gives Me Courage

BEAUTY OF THE GOSPEL GIVES ME COURAGE EVEN WHEN I FEEL UGLY The gospel is the good news of God’s saving love for us in Christ. It is the message and truth that God, who dwells in unapproachable light and is infinitely holy, loves us and has reconciled us to Himself in Jesus. We were […]

Writings on Christianity

BEAUTY of Christ Outshines ALL Other Beauties

BEAUTY OF CHRIST OUTSHINES ALL OTHER BEAUTIES Naperville, the city I live in, is filled with beauty. There are beautiful people, beautiful homes, a beautiful Riverwalk. There are stores filled with beautiful clothes and barber shops and beauty salons to make your hair look beautiful. But there is a beauty that outshines the beauty of […]

Writings on Christianity

THE Good News

The Gospel is THE Good News I have been preaching through the book of Titus at our church, Cross of Christ Fellowship. It has been a joy and seems so relevant to us in this season of life and ministry. Lately, one thought has been coming to my mind, as I’ve been reflecting on the […]

Writings on Christianity

Titus Sermon Series

TITUS SERMON SERIES Our church, Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville IL, just started a sermon series in the book of Titus. I’m looking forward to working through this letter and see how God uses it to shape, instruct, and encourage us. Here’s a link to the sermons: And Craig did a great job […]

Writings on Christianity

How Vast the Treasure We Possess (Watts)

How Vast the Treasure We Possess (Watts) Isaac Watts wrote a hymn called “How Vast the Treasure We Possess.” I think the lyrics are wonderful and really reorient our hearts and our thinking in biblical ways. We’re going to sing it at our church (Cross of Christ Fellowship here in Naperville). Here’s a version I […]

Writings on Christianity

FOUR-Fold Focus for Cross of Christ Fellowship in 2018

FOUR-fold FOCUS For Cross of Christ Fellowship in 2018 (The following is a document we sent out to the congregation to share about what we are praying and working toward together in 2018) A FOUR-FOLD FOCUS FOR CROSS OF CHRIST FELLOWSHIP IN 2018 Another year is before us and under way. Every day, and every […]