The greatest battles in ministry take place first within our own hearts. Everything flows from here: -Will I trust God in this perplexing situation? -Will I believe God’s Word when the culture around me tells me something else? -Will I harbor bitter thoughts or resentments toward someone I think has wronged me? -Will I chose […]
Tag: ministry
“I have always looked upon the great work of the ministry to live in two things: first, in making unholy men holy; and, secondly, in making them that are already holy to be more and more holy.” -Thomas Brooks (“The Crown and Glory of Christianity” p 32 [Complete Works; Vol 4])
For 2019, I am shooting to read through (including some audio) 52 books. Here’s list of about half I hope to work through. Most are re-rereads: 1. Bible (reread) 2. Good portion of CS Lewis’s works (Narnia, Space Trilogy, Mere Christianity, Screwtape Letters, Abolition of Man, 4 Loves, Miracles, Problem of Pain, Great Divorce) all […]
Faith-Filled Ministry
In Matthew 17:20 we see Jesus explain to the disciples the power of a faith-filled ministry. The disciples had tried to cast out a demon, but were unsuccessful (Matt 17:14-19). They ask Jesus why they could not do it and he reveals that the reason is their lack of faith: “Because of your little faith. […]