Writings on Christianity

A Better Adam Part 2: Romans 5:15-17 Sermon Outline

Here’s the outline for my sermon on Romans 5:15-17 “A Better Adam” Part 2, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. You can listen to audio here. A Better Adam (Part 2): Romans 5:15-17 Intro: Who here likes receiving gifts? Think in your minds: what’s the best gift you have received this year? Or, […]

Writings on Christianity

Our Souls’ Rest

(The following is the sermon outline for Romans 4:13-22, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship) “OUR SOULS’ REST” Romans 4:13-22 Intro: God has given many promises to His people. He has promised forgiveness of sin; being rescued from the darkness and brought into the light; adoption into the family of God; living forever in a […]