Writings on Christianity

CS Lewis on Justice (Our Move Away From a Retributive View)

C.S. Lewis made the interesting observation that there was a shift in how our culture viewed of justice. We have moved away from a traditional view of justice (retributive) to a “humanitarian” view of justice. He argued that such a move was misguided and very dangerous. In the end, it actually does away with justice […]

Writings on Christianity

Justice and Worldviews

Justice and Worldviews We are discussing justice this Saturday at our intellectual discussion group. We ALL long to see justice take place, to see evil punished and the right and good vindicated. We long to see the oppressed delivered and the enslaved set free. How does one explain these desires and the longing for justice? […]

Writings on Christianity

2 Different Ways of Understanding Justice: Naturalism & Christianity

2 Different Ways of Understanding Justice: Naturalism and Christianity Naturalism is the view that there is no such thing as God or the supernatural or the spiritual world, all we are is matter acting up chance and time in a closed physical reality. This worldview leads to a radically different understanding of justice. Here’s a […]