Writings on Christianity

Christ’s Kingdom is a Spiritual Kingdom (Tsouloufis)

GUEST POST by Dan Tsouloufis From a biblical perspective, God’s plan to fight all the evils in the world is twofold: 1) Christ’s death on the cross, and 2) Christ’s desire to build His kingdom through the church (the body of Christ).  Moreover, this is a spiritual kingdom, not a worldly, political kingdom.  We must […]

Writings on Christianity

Romans 11:11-24 Sermon Outline “Hope and Humility”

Here’s the outline for my sermon on Romans 11:11-24 “Hope and Humility” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. You find the audio here. INTRO: BOAT ILLUSTRATION (saved by Coast Guard).        Expected response HOPE and HUMILITY.                    -Christians ought to be hopeful and humble.*A right understanding of who God is and what He has […]