Writings on Christianity

Haggai 1 Sermon

Here’s the audio and sermon note for my sermon on Haggai 1 “Build the House!” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. Haggai 1: “Build the House!”Intro: 586 B.C.: temple burned to ground and Jews carried to exile in Babylon     -In 539 King Cyrus frees the Jews and allows as many interested to go […]

Writings on Christianity

Is My Suffering Due to My Sin?

Today there seems to be an aversion to the suggestion that some of our suffering may be due to our own sin. This is partly justified. We see the error of Job’s friends, who believed Job’s suffering was due to his sin (it was not). We hear other people’s insensitivity by suggesting that a puzzling […]

Writings on Christianity

Haggai and Christ

How does Haggai 1 point to (find its fulfillment) in Jesus? 1 Jesus is the Word from God. In Haggai 1, we see that God sent Haggai his prophet (1:12) who spoke God’s words to God’s people (1:1-3, 1:7; 1:13). Today, we no longer expect or need a prophet from God because “in these last […]