Writings on Christianity

Rightly Understanding Grace (Rom 6:1-14)

Here’s the outline from my sermon Romans 6:1-14, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville Illinois. Romans 6:1-14 “Rightly Understanding Grace” INTRO: Last week we considered this amazing truth: where sin increased, grace abounded all the more! God’s grace is far greater than all of our sin. It overcomes our sin, changes us, transforms […]

Writings on Christianity

A Better Adam Part 2: Romans 5:15-17 Sermon Outline

Here’s the outline for my sermon on Romans 5:15-17 “A Better Adam” Part 2, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. You can listen to audio here. A Better Adam (Part 2): Romans 5:15-17 Intro: Who here likes receiving gifts? Think in your minds: what’s the best gift you have received this year? Or, […]

Writings on Christianity

3 Reasons to Be Glad in God (Romans 5:2-5 Sermon Outline)

Here’s the notes from my sermon outline for Romans 5:2-5 preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship, our church in Naperville. You can listen to the sermon on this page. Romans 5:2-5 “3 Reasons to be Glad in God” Intro: There are many things in life that are wonderful, but we don’t realize how wonderful they […]

Writings on Christianity

Our Souls’ Rest

(The following is the sermon outline for Romans 4:13-22, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship) “OUR SOULS’ REST” Romans 4:13-22 Intro: God has given many promises to His people. He has promised forgiveness of sin; being rescued from the darkness and brought into the light; adoption into the family of God; living forever in a […]

Writings on Christianity

Grace to Us in Sound Doctrine (Titus 1:9)

1:9: God’s Grace to us in Sound Doctrine The Apostle Paul has told us that when we look for elders in a local church, we need those who “hold firm to the trustworthy word as it has been taught” (Titus 1:9). An elder must be qualified, a called man who is committed to the authority […]

Writings on Christianity

God’s Grace to us in Ecclesiology (Titus 1:5)

1:5: God’s Grace to us in Ecclesiology Ecclesiology a theology of the church. What does the Bible teach about the church? What is the church? What is supposed to look like? Who leads it? All of these questions are matters of ecclesiology. In Titus 1:5 we see the pattern given in Scripture for the church […]