Writings on Christianity

Welcoming Other Believers

Jesus teaches that we are to receive/welcome other believers into our lives (Matt 18:5-6). A generous welcoming attitude is characteristic of Christ himself, who welcomes us sinners into the family of God through His grace and by His blood shed on the cross. God Himself is the most welcoming person in existence, inviting us into […]

Writings on Christianity

How Does Christ Bring us Back to God?

Here’s the second week for our “Curious about Christ” outreach, that our church in Naperville Cross of Christ Fellowship is hosting. In this study we considered the question “How Does Christ Bring us Back to God?” Curious about Christ Week 2: How Does Christ Bring us Back to God? This week we consider the question […]

Writings on Christianity

3 Ways the Gospel Changes Us

3 Ways the Gospel Changes Who We Are The truths of the gospel are STAGGERINGLY GOOD. In Titus 2:13 we see that Jesus is our “Great God and Savior.” He came to save us, we who wanted nothing to do with him. This saving came about as he “gave himself for us” (Titus 2:14) on […]

Writings on Christianity

The Gospel Changes How We Wait

The Gospel Changes How We WAIT So much of our life is spent in waiting. Waiting to graduate. Waiting to find a job. Waiting for a spouse. Waiting for a child. Waiting for resolution in some situation. Waiting for something we hope will finally take place. What we wait for surely reveals our heart. What […]

Writings on Christianity

Beauty of the Gospel Gives Me Courage

BEAUTY OF THE GOSPEL GIVES ME COURAGE EVEN WHEN I FEEL UGLY The gospel is the good news of God’s saving love for us in Christ. It is the message and truth that God, who dwells in unapproachable light and is infinitely holy, loves us and has reconciled us to Himself in Jesus. We were […]

Writings on Christianity

BEAUTY and the Christian Life

BEAUTY and the Christian Life Titus 2:10 gives us an interesting view on BEAUTY and the Christian life. In this passage, Paul has been giving instructions on how believers are to live out their faith (2:2-10) and here (2:9-10) he is specifically addressing slaves, urging them to live godly lives in their present position in […]

Writings on Christianity

Whiter Than SNOW

WHITER THAN SNOW One image that Scripture uses to speak of the redemption we have in Christ is that of being pure or clean. The idea is that sin corrupts and defiles, but God in His mercy and grace makes us pure and clean again. We see this in Titus 1:15: “To the pure, all […]

Writings on Christianity

THE Good News

The Gospel is THE Good News I have been preaching through the book of Titus at our church, Cross of Christ Fellowship. It has been a joy and seems so relevant to us in this season of life and ministry. Lately, one thought has been coming to my mind, as I’ve been reflecting on the […]

Writings on Christianity

William Edgar’s 4 Step Apologetic Method

William Edgar’s 4 Step Apologetic Method Westminster Professor of Apologetics William Edgar has written a book on apologetics called “Reasons of the Heart: Recovering Christian Persuasion” (2003). In one of the more helpful chapters he gives a four-step approach to apologetics which relies on “four apologetic realities.” He argues that, when these 4 realities are […]

Writings on Christianity

Dunkirk and the Gospel

Dunkirk and the Gospel I watched the movie Dunkirk and it is an excellent movie. There is one scene in the movie that has a poignant picture of the gospel worth thinking about. We see it in this: An English fighter pilot is trapped in his downed plane on the waters of the English Chanel. […]