In Habakkuk 1:2-4, we hear a prophet of God who is perplexed by God’s seeming inactivity. Habakkuk prays and prays, but God “does not answer” (1:2). The prophet experiences and perceives violence and evil and wickedness all around him, but God “does not save.” All this makes Habakkuk wonder why God seems to be “idly […]
Tag: gospel
As Christians we feel a joy and duty to teach our children about God. We know that this is not something they will naturally learn, but can only come through intentional instruction and prayer. God is the one who transforms our children’s hearts; He is the only one who can open their eyes to the […]
Better Than
“For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere.” (Ps 84:10a) Becoming a Christian involves a radical reorientation of the heart. A heart that once found God boring, now finds Him thrilling. A heart that once thought God irrelevant, now sees Him supremely important. A heart that once spurned God’s love, now […]
Here’s a guest post from my friend, Dan Tsouloufis: As Christians living in the New Covenant era, it is quite common for people to wonder what role the Mosaic Law plays in the life of the believer. One may ask such questions as: “Is the law even relevant today?” “Is the law outdated and useless […]
Sometimes life and ministry can be discouraging. We step out in faith, and plan an evangelistic Bible study for our friends, but no one shows up. We try to be more intentional in shepherding our children’s hearts but end up getting impatient with them and having to confess our own sin and failed efforts. We […]
The Christian is not promised an easy life in this world. To assume that following Christ will lead a trouble-free life is not something that the Bible supports, it is really a soft version of the prosperity gospel. The Christian—even the Christian in the affluent, comfortable, safe, suburbs of the West—will face trials, hardships, and […]
Humor and the Gospel
As a Christian I recognize that humor is a gift from God, a God who Himself laughs (Ps 2:4). Humor is meant to be enjoyed and to build others up: it can be used to bring a person into the truth and bring joy and delight and healing. But there is something desperately, wrong with […]
There is an approach to God and religion that is popular in culture today known as “pluralism.” In the name of “tolerance” and “inclusivism,” it claims this: no one can know what God is really like, and thus it is arrogant to claim one religion is correct others are wrong; our best approach is just […]
INDOMITABLE: Impossible to subdue or defeat ( The wisdom of Jesus Christ is indomitable. No one and no situation can thwart it. We see this in the ministry of Jesus as various situations and opponents arise: the devil seeks to tempt and defeat Jesus (Matt 4); various diseases and demon-possessions seem like they would be […]
This past year I listened to “A Life-Long Love” by Gary Thomas. (This was a free audio book I received through Christian Audio (; this org puts out a free Christian audio book every month!). The book has some convicting and encouraging and reorienting lessons for married believers to apply and live out in their […]