Acts 10:43: “To him all the prophets bear witness that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.” In Christ, through faith in him, we might have our sins forgiven. This is a glorious and wonderful truth: through faith alone in Christ alone, we are justified—forgiven of all of our sins, […]
Tag: gospel
Just as Justified
Because of sin, every single one of us needs to be made right with God. We are estranged from God. We are condemned. We are in desperate need of reconciliation with the Living God who is there. The Bible teaches us that a person can only be made right with God through faith in Jesus […]
Book of Romans Overview
Romans Wrap-Up: An Overview and Review of Paul’s Letter to the Church at Romeby Tom Schmidt Our church, Cross of Christ Fellowship, recently just completed a sermon series in the book of Romans. First sermon: 2/7/21 on Romans 1:1 (Midst of Covid; meeting at MMA Gym)Last sermon: 11/20/22 on Romans 16:25-27 (Post Covid; Back at […]
Here’s my sermon outline for Romans 13:1-7 that I preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. You can listen to the audio here. Romans 13:1-7 “God and Government” Intro: Imagine our world today without any governing authorities or government in place. Would it be a nice place? -No policeman, no organized fire departments, no […]
How do we find and experience true and lasting joy? What is the relationship between joy and questions about God? GOD: THE GOD OF EVERLASTING JOY The one true God—who made everything, who rules over everything, who orders all things—is a God of everlasting joy. Unlike us, God is uncreated and eternal. There never was […]
Here’s my sermon notes for Romans 12:3-8 “Humility or Absurdity” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. You can listen to the audio here. Romans 12:3-8 HUMILITY OR ABSURDITYINTRO: FOOL MOON RISING. Story of Moon being proud and boasting of its light. -Moon is a fool because all of his light is a given […]
Moo on Romans 10:5-13
Here’s a helpful quote from NT scholar Douglas Moo on Romans 10:5-13 ““Central to the Reformers’ teaching about salvation was their distinction between “law” and “gospel.” “Law is whatever God commands us to do; “gospel” is what God in his grace gives to us. The Reformers uniformly insisted that human depravity made it impossible for […]
Here’s my notes from my sermon on Romans 8:31-34 “Rejoicing in the Gospel” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. You can listen to sermon here. Romans 8:31-34 “Rejoicing in the Gospel”INTRO: 2016 Chicago Cubs Fan Illustration (expected response to Cubs World Series win) -How do we expect him to respond? Joy and Excitement. […]
Here’s my sermon notes from “Following Christ Through the Pain” (Ezra 3), preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship. Ezra 3:8-13 “Following Christ through the Pain” INTRO: I have been wanting to preach for about 2 months when I read the text in my quiet time -It is from a fascinating scene from the book of […]
This past week I was privileged to preach on Romans 8:2-4 at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. Here’s my outline (you can listen to it here). Romans 8:2-4 “The Freedom We REALLY Need” INTRO: Braveheart illustration: William Wallace shouting FREEDOM -Our society also values freedom (voting, speech, religion, choice, travel, pursue our dreams, follow […]