Writings on Christianity

Three Competing Realities around Mental Health (Tsouloufis)

Three Competing Realities around Mental Health by Dan Tsouloufis (Guest Post) As a certified biblical counselor, I have been observing three competing realities in our society around the issue of mental health, as well as the purported solutions being offered by the clinical mental health industry. In my observation of these three competing realities, my […]

Writings on Christianity

Eph 2:11-22 Sermon: “How to Get Along!”

Back in 2013 I preached a sermon in Chicago on Eph 2:11-22 “How to Get Along.” Here’s my notes: Eph 2:11-22 “How to Get Along” Intro: We live in a world where people do not get along.  Some even hate each other. Playful rivalry: Mac users and PC users, cubs and white sox fans, democrats […]

Writings on Christianity

Acts 26 Sermon

Here’s my sermon on Acts 26, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville, IL on 3.10.24.                                           “Paul Before Agrippa” Acts 26INTRO: Dune II hype; we share about what we care about; when we find something beautiful/true/goodThere is NO greater news than the news of the gospel.      When we grasp […]

Writings on Christianity

Acts 24 Sermon

Here’s the audio and notes from my sermon preached in Naperville, Illinois at Cross of Christ Fellowship on 2/25/24. “Faithfulness Amid Suffering” ACTS 24INTRO: UNJUST SUFFERING: Steals your package; Excludes you; Gossip; Unfairly passed by at work.      -Good to seek justice…But how do we live as faithful Christians in the midst of unjust suffering?        -We […]

Writings on Christianity

Acts 23 Sermon Outline

Here’s my sermon audio and notes for my sermon on Acts 23, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship on 2/18/2024. “Paul before the Sanhedrin” Acts 22:30-23:35 Intro: A key to text to understanding book of Acts is Acts 1:8: ‘You will be my witnesses…”-This was the task of the church in the first century and […]

Writings on Christianity

Acts 19:11-41 Sermon Outline

Here’s my sermon and sermon notes for Acts 19:11-41, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville on 1.14.24. Acts 19:11-41: 3 Approaches to ChristINTRO: As Christianity reaches a new area, it generates different responses        1 MEANS OF GAIN. (Use Christianity for mere personal profit or gain) [USE Christ]        2 THREAT TO GAIN. (Christ is […]

Writings on Christianity

7 Ways the Doctrine of Adoption Transforms Us

The Christian understanding of adoption–that through the gospel we are adopted into God’s family (Gal 4:4-5; John 1:12-13)–is truly wonderful and TRANSFORMING. If we let this truth that God is actually our Father sink into our hearts and affections, it changes how we live as Christians. 7 Ways the Doctrine of Adoption Transforms Us: 1 […]

Writings on Christianity

The GOAL of the Incarnation

Here’s my sermon notes for “The Goal of the Incarnation” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship on 12/24/2023. ADVENT SERMON #4: ‘The GOAL of the Incarnation’ (Gal 4:5b) Intro: As evangelical Christians we prize doctrine of justification; but even higher privilege of gospel: adoption      -JI PACKER: Adoption as the ‘highest privilege of the gospel’ (Packer)      […]

Writings on Christianity

Acts 15 Sermon Outline

Here are the notes from my sermon preached on Acts 15 at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. Audio here. Acts 15 “Jerusalem Council”Intro: Friend becomes a Christian; Someone tells them they are not saved unless they follow all OT laws, imagine fear/insecurity      -This was the situation that faced the church in Acts 15: a […]

Writings on Christianity

Acts 11:19-30 SERMON OUTLINE

Here’s the outline for my sermon on Acts 11:19-30, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. Acts 11:19-30 “The Church at Antioch” INTRO: Kingdom of God=God’s people, in God’s place, under God’s rule.     -This was promised in the OTàJesus brought it to Earth                  -Book of Acts shows how this kingdom’s initial establishment and […]