Writings on Christianity

Phil 1:3 A Reflection and Prayer: MY God

Lord, I praise you that you are our Father (1:2) and as our Father you known my deepest and most profound needs. I am thank you that though I was once estranged and alienated from you (Col 1:21), you brought me near through Jesus Christ and made me a child of God(John 1:12-13) . Now […]

Writings on Christianity

Self-Destructive Nature of Sin

In preaching through Habakkuk at Cross of Christ Fellowship, our church in Naperville, I was delighted to see a truth in one of the passages, which I had not thought of for a while. The truth is this: sin is self-destructive and no one can thwart God who is invincible. We see this in Habakkuk […]

Writings on Christianity

Waiting on the LORD and Walking By Faith

Our church in Naperville, Cross of Christ Fellowship, is spending some time this summer in the Old Testament book of Habakkuk. In the book, we see the prophet perplexed at the evil circumstances around him (1:2-4); we also see him perplexed by how God plans to respond through bringing judgment on Israel through the unbelieving […]

Writings on Christianity

Habakkuk Reflections

I’m preaching through Habakkuk at Cross of Christ Fellowship, our church in Naperville. Here’s a few thoughts from my sermon prep: -The theme of Habakkuk is ‘the righteous living by faith.’ or, ‘The righteous living by faith in God who is just, good, and sovereign even when it seems that God is absent or uninvolved.’ […]

Writings on Christianity

The Burial of Jesus

I recently preached on the burial of Jesus from Matthew 27:55-66 at Cross of Christ Fellowship, our church in Naperville. Here are some of my notes. The main melody of this passage is the burial of Jesus, but the supporting voices are the women witnesses, Joseph of Arimathea’s act, and the unbelieving religious authorities who […]

Writings on Christianity

Encouragement to Those in a Small Church Plant

I’m the pastor a small church plant in downtown Naperville (Cross of Christ Fellowship). On a big Sunday, we have 40 people—nearly half of which are children. We have been worshipping together for 3 years and have seen God grow us in many wonderful ways: we are a close church community that loves and cares […]

Writings on Christianity

Cross of Christ Fellowship Video Update

Here’s a video with some highlights from the past year of Cross of Christ Fellowship: If you are looking to be part of a church in naperville, join us on Sunday morning at 10!

Writings on Christianity

Jesus: Offensive to the Religious and Secular

If you have listened or read much of Tim Keller, you know that he does a great job of reminding us how the gospel is different from self-righteous religion and from irreligion. I find this to be a helpful contrast to keep in mind as I read through the Scriptures and think about the Christian […]

Writings on Christianity

A Portrait of the Pharisees from Matthew

A Portrait of the Pharisees, Sadducees, Chief Priests, Scribes and Religious Leaders from Matthew Our church in Naperville, Cross of Christ Fellowship, is working its way through the Gospel of Matthew. We have reached a point in the Gospel where Jesus confronts the Pharisees and Jewish leaders of his day (Matt 21-23). As this is […]

Writings on Christianity

Penal Substitutionary Atonement in Matthew

Does Matthew hold to penal substitutionary atonement, a theological position clearly taught in the Apostle Paul and other places of Scripture? After studying and preparing to preach on Matthew 20:17-28, I have a great confidence to what I already knew: YES, Matthew does hold to the theological view known as penal substitutionary atonement. In preparing […]