Tag: cross of christ fellowship
Here’s the notes from my sermon on Romans 7:1-6, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville Il. Romans 7:1-6 “Released from the Law, Bound to Jesus” Intro: On May 21, 2011 I experienced a kind of RELEASE and a BINDING that changed my life. Before that date I was free to pursue marriage with […]
Here’s the notes from my sermon on Romans 6:15-23, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville, Illinois. Romans 6:15-23 “Rightly Understanding Grace” (Part 2) INTRO: There are lots of misunderstandings of Christianity in the world around us. Today: bigots and homophobic. -1st century Christians were accused of being cannibals and incestuous.The apostles themselves had […]
Here’s the outline from my sermon Romans 6:1-14, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville Illinois. Romans 6:1-14 “Rightly Understanding Grace” INTRO: Last week we considered this amazing truth: where sin increased, grace abounded all the more! God’s grace is far greater than all of our sin. It overcomes our sin, changes us, transforms […]
Here’s the outline from a sermon I preached on Romans 5:20-21 “Jesus, the Better Adam” at Cross of Christ Fellowship. Romans 5:20-21 “Jesus, the Better Adam” (Part 4) INTRO: Imagine it is the year 1939 and we live in Paris, France. After church, we can enjoy a nice French pastry and go for a walk […]
Here’s my sermon outline from Romans 5:9-11 “Saved from Future Wrath” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship, our church in Naperville Illinois. You can find the audio here. Romans 5:9-11 “Saved from Future Wrath” Intro: Are you prepared for the wrath of God? Are you ready for the day when God will pour out His just, […]
Here’s my sermon outline from Romans 5:6-8, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship (our church in Naperville). You can listen to the audio here. Romans 5:6-8 “God’s Love Displayed” Intro: How do we know that God loves us? What gives us the reason to believe that He loves us? When life is hard and difficulties […]
Here’s the notes from my sermon outline for Romans 5:2-5 preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship, our church in Naperville. You can listen to the sermon on this page. Romans 5:2-5 “3 Reasons to be Glad in God” Intro: There are many things in life that are wonderful, but we don’t realize how wonderful they […]
Here’s the outline for the sermon on Romans 5:1 that I preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship, our church in Naperville. You can hear the audio here. Romans 5:1 “Peace with God” C.S. Lewis once said, “Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance, the only thing it cannot be […]
I’ve been preaching on Acts 2:42 at Cross of Christ Fellowship and we’ve been spending quite a bit of time considering the “ordinary means of grace” together. I have found J. Ryan Davidson’s book helpful. Here’s some of the quotes I especially appreciated: The need to understand and appreciate the ordinary means of grace: “Sundays, […]