Writings on Christianity

Pentecost Acts 2:1-13 Sermon

Here’s the sermon notes for my “Pentecost” sermon on Acts 2:1-13, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville, IL. You can find the audio here. Acts 2:1-13 “The Day of Pentecost”Intro: Some events change your life (marriage, birth, injury, move); Some change the world (July 4, 1776, electricity, internet, smart phone).         -In today’s passage, […]

Writings on Christianity

Paul’s Priorities & Ours (Romans 15:14-33 Outline)

Here’s an outline for a sermon I preached on Romans 15:14-33 at Cross of Christ Fellowship. Romans 15:14-33 “Paul’s Priorities and Ours” INTRO: Did you know that there are some restaurants where the servers are intentionally rude to their customers?      -Servers slam food on table, use vulgar language, make disparaging remarks, and intentionally try to […]

Writings on Christianity

Unity in the Church (Romans 14:1-12)

Here’s the sermon outline for my sermon on Romans 14:1-12 “Unity in the Church” Part 1, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville, Illinois on Oct 2, 2022. Romans 14:1-12 “Church Unity” (Part 1)INTRO: Is possible to have unity in the local church? What about with Christians who disagree with you on secondary issues?         […]

Writings on Christianity

Overcoming Evil with Good (Rom 12:17-21)

Here’s the notes for my sermon on Romans 12:17-21 “Overcoming Evil with Good,” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. You can listen to the audio here.                     “Overcoming Evil with Good” Romans 12:17-21INTRO: 21 years ago, roommate getting phone call to turn on TV as I got ready for my class.                    […]

Writings on Christianity


If you are a student at North Central College (or a college student in the Naperville area), our church Cross of Christ Fellowship is hosting two events to welcome and meet you! ICE CREAM AT JENI’S on Thursday August 25th at 7 PM (Jeni’s Ice Cream in downtown Naperville). STUDENT LUNCH AT MOD PIZZA on […]

Writings on Christianity

Romans 11:11-24 Sermon Outline “Hope and Humility”

Here’s the outline for my sermon on Romans 11:11-24 “Hope and Humility” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. You find the audio here. INTRO: BOAT ILLUSTRATION (saved by Coast Guard).        Expected response HOPE and HUMILITY.                    -Christians ought to be hopeful and humble.*A right understanding of who God is and what He has […]

Writings on Christianity

A Remnant Chosen By Grace (Rom 11:1-10 Sermon Outline)

Here’s the sermon notes for my sermon on Romans 11:1-10 preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville on 6/12/22. You can listen to the audio here. Romans 11:1-10 “Remnant Chosen by Grace” Intro: Today, there are roughly 15 million people in the world who identify as Jewish        -Do you know what country has the […]

Writings on Christianity

Summer Fellowship

This summer our church in Naperville, Cross of Christ Fellowship, is hosting a weekly time of fellowship for its members: “summer fellowship.” We’ll be sharing a meal together, discussing “Dark Clouds , Deep Mercy” by Mark Vroegop, and praying together.

Writings on Christianity

Romans 9:6-13 Sermon Outline “God’s Unfailing Promises”

Here’s my sermon outline for Romans 9:6-13, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville on 5/1/22. You can hear the audio here. “The Unfailing Promises of God” Romans 9:6-13 INTRO: Sometimes, from a human perspective, it looks like God’s Word has failed. It looks like God’s promise has failed        -Our own lives:                    Jere […]

Writings on Christianity

Heartache (Romans 9:1-5 Sermon Outline)

Here’s the sermon outline for Romans 9:1-5, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship on 9.24.22 in Naperville. Romans 9:1-5 “Heartache” Intro: If you become a Christian you will experience a broken heart.      -Becoming a Christian will lead new pain, grief and broken-heartedness you have never experience before.                  -You will experience sorrow and sadness that […]