Writings on Christianity

A HOPE for the Future (Psalm 27:13)

A Hope for the Future (Psalm 27:13) Preached on 12/23/18 at Cross of Christ Fellowship for the final Sunday service at the DuPage Children’s Museum “I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living!” Ps 27:13 After over 120 Sundays together, we now worship our Savior […]

Writings on Christianity

What Child is This? Cookies & Carols 2018 Message

Here’s the text from the Cookies & Carols 2018 message I gave. Friends, thank you all for coming out tonight. My name is Tom, and I am the pastor of Cross of Christ Fellowship. We are a church that rents space here at the DuPage Children’s Museum on Sunday mornings at 9:30. We are glad […]

Writings on Christianity

Cross of Christ Fellowship Year End Update and Stories

CROSS OF CHRIST FELLOWSHIP YEAR END UPDATE AND STORIES In case you missed it or are not signed up to our church plant newsletter, here’s the year end update and some stories. Thank you to all who regularly pray and give to the church plant. You are partners with us a huge help as we […]

Writings on Christianity

A Two-fold Prayer to Pray for a Church Plant

How Might We Pray for Our Church Plant? A TWO-FOLD APPROACH Members of church plants long to see God work in powerful ways. We desire God to draw many to saving faith. We desire our church to be a place where new and mature Christians grow. We desire God to bring revival and spiritual awakening […]

Writings on Christianity

How Does Christ Bring Meaning to Our Lives?

Here’s the 3rd week in our “Curious about Christ” outreach, that our church in Naperville (Cross of Christ Fellowship) is hosting. Curious about Christ Week 3: How Does Christ Bring MEANING to our Lives? Introductory Thoughts:1. Why do we value having meaning or purpose to our lives? 2. Is there is a right or wrong […]

Writings on Christianity

How Does Christ Bring us Back to God?

Here’s the second week for our “Curious about Christ” outreach, that our church in Naperville Cross of Christ Fellowship is hosting. In this study we considered the question “How Does Christ Bring us Back to God?” Curious about Christ Week 2: How Does Christ Bring us Back to God? This week we consider the question […]

Writings on Christianity

Curious about Christ Week 1: What Did Christ Think of Himself?

Our church in Naperville, Cross of Christ Fellowship, is hosting a 7 week outreach in Naperville called “Curious about Christ.” This is a course designed to help those who know little or nothing about Christ or Christianity learn about who Christ is and what he has done, and how Christ helps us make sense of […]

Writings on Christianity

Living as a Christian in Naperville: Fixing Our Eyes on the Heavenly City

Augustine once said that every person who ever lives is a member of one of two cities: either the city of God or the city of Man (see “City of God”). The city of God is filled with those who live for king Jesus and have lives and relationships that reflect his values, goodness, and […]

Writings on Christianity

Living as a Christian in Naperville: Pursuing Our Identity in Christ

We’ve already considered how one’s location impacts one’s faith, and the blessings and challenges of living out our faith in Christ in Naperville. In the next two posts we’ll think about how pursuing our identity in Christ and keeping our eyes on the glory of the eternal city can help us as we seek to […]

Writings on Christianity

Living as a Christian in Naperville: 3 Additional Challenges

We continue our series “Living as a Christian in Naperville.” (To see the earlier posts, click here for our Introduction to the topic of how living in a location impacts one’s faith in Christ, here for how living in Naperville can help a Christian live for Christ, and here for the reality of 4 idols […]