Writings on Christianity

Preaching Daniel 4

Working away at our sermon series on book of Daniel at our church in Naperville, Cross of Christ Fellowship. Here’s some notes from my Daniel 4 sermon prep: Main idea: God is the true KING “Most High rules over the kingdoms of men and gives them to whomever he wills” (17, 26, 32). This would […]

Writings on Christianity

Preaching Daniel

Our church in Naperville, Cross of Christ Fellowship, has recently begun working our way through the book of Daniel together. I’m looking forward to what God will do in and through this sermon series as we seek to behold Him and hear from Him. One commentator said that the theme of Daniel is this: “in […]

Writings on Christianity

The Joys of Planting a Church

“I GET to do this another year!” This is how I feel as another year church planting lies before me. I feel in my heart a sense of gratefulness and surprise at God’s sustaining grace in our church plant here in Naperville: Cross of Christ Fellowship. (I often feel surprised at the beginning of the […]

Writings on Christianity

Acts 29 Church in Naperville

Our church plant, Cross of Christ Fellowship, is now officially a member of the Acts 29 Church Planting Network! So if you know someone looking for an Acts 29 church in Naperville, please send them our way. It has been a blessing the past few years to be part of the Acts 29 community and […]

Writings on Christianity

Cross of Christ Fellowship End of 2019 Wrap Up and Financial Update

Another year is wrapping up for us at Cross of Christ Fellowship, our church in Naperville. It has been a year of PAIN and JOY. If you would like to learn more, and about how you can help us click here.

Writings on Christianity

COOKIES & CAROLS 2019: Naperville

This Saturday, from 6-8, Cross of Christ Fellowship, our church in Naperville, is hosting Cookies & Carols. We’ll be meeting at the Old Stone Church (14 S Washington St.), which is where we host Sunday morning worship services. It will be an evening of singing carols, considering the meaning of Christmas, and eating cookies. We’ll […]

Writings on Christianity

Methods of Evangelism

I saw down with my friend Joel Settecase, of the THINK INSTITUTE, to talk about different methods of evangelism. Some of these we use at our church in Naperville, Cross of Christ Fellowship. I hope you find the discussion edifying and helpful!

Writings on Christianity

Phil 1:3 A Reflection and Prayer: MY God

Lord, I praise you that you are our Father (1:2) and as our Father you known my deepest and most profound needs. I am thank you that though I was once estranged and alienated from you (Col 1:21), you brought me near through Jesus Christ and made me a child of God(John 1:12-13) . Now […]

Writings on Christianity

A Small Group Intro to Philippians

Introduction: Starting on September 22nd at Cross of Christ Fellowship, we will be going through the book of Philippians together as a church. This sermon series will take us through the end of 2019. To prepare for this series, tonight we will spend some time becoming more acquainted with the book. Philippians is a letter […]

Writings on Christianity

Self-Destructive Nature of Sin

In preaching through Habakkuk at Cross of Christ Fellowship, our church in Naperville, I was delighted to see a truth in one of the passages, which I had not thought of for a while. The truth is this: sin is self-destructive and no one can thwart God who is invincible. We see this in Habakkuk […]