Here’s the my sermon outline for my sermon on Word of God as an ordinary means of grace, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship, our church in Naperville. Means of Grace Week 1: Word of God Series intro: If you have been a Christian for very long, you know that sometimes it can be really […]
Tag: church in naperville
I recently preached a sermon 1 Cor 13 at our church in Naperville, Cross of Christ Fellowship. Here’s the notes: 1 Corinthians 13 “A CHURCH MARKED BY LOVE” Intro: When you think about what is really important for a local church, what comes to your mind? What rises to your top as the most important? […]
Our Souls’ Rest
(The following is the sermon outline for Romans 4:13-22, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship) “OUR SOULS’ REST” Romans 4:13-22 Intro: God has given many promises to His people. He has promised forgiveness of sin; being rescued from the darkness and brought into the light; adoption into the family of God; living forever in a […]
For the month of July, I’ll be preaching a four-part sermon series on the “means of grace” at Cross of Christ Fellowship, our church in Naperville. You’ll be able to listen to them here. In particular, we’ll be looking at Acts 2:42 and considering how the Word of God, fellowship, the Lord’s Supper, and prayer […]
Easter 2021 Sermon
Here are the notes for my 2021 Easter sermon on John 20:11-18 at our church in Naperville, Cross of Christ Fellowship. You can find the audio under ‘stand alone sermons’ here (near bottom of the page). [If you listen, you will hear the birds chirping because this was preached outside!] Easter 2021 “Believing with Mary […]
Here’s the notes from my sermon on Romans 1:16-17, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship (our church in Naperville). You can here the audio here. “Unashamed of the GOSPEL” Rom 1:16-17 INTRO: The passage we are considering today changed the life of a man named Martin Luther. Martin was a Roman Catholic monk, and very […]
Here’s the notes for my sermon on Romans 1:8-15 “The EVERYONE Gospel,” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship, our church in Naperville. You can find the audio here. Romans 1:8-15 “The Everyone Gospel” Intro: The gospel is the good news of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. It is good news from God about God. It […]
Here’s the outline for my sermon on Romans 1:2-7 at Cross of Christ Fellowship, our church in Naperville. You can find the audio here. Intro: Is it actually POSSIBLE to know who God is? Can we REALLY know what God is like? Could we ever actually hear a message from Him? Many around us would […]
Shaped by the GOSPEL
Here’s the outline for my sermon on Romans 1:1, which I preached at our church in Naperville, Cross of Christ Fellowship. You can find the audio here. Romans 1:1 “Shaped by the Gospel”INTRO: We learn from the book of Acts, that the first Christian martyr was a man named Stephen. The Jews hated what they […]
Our church in Naperville recently met together to think through “how to listen to a sermon.” It was a fruitful and very edifying time! Here’s the notes we gave out. There is nothing revolutionary or Earth-shattering in these points, some are drawn from personal experience and others from the resources listed at the bottom. While […]