Here’s the outline from a sermon I preached on Romans 5:20-21 “Jesus, the Better Adam” at Cross of Christ Fellowship. Romans 5:20-21 “Jesus, the Better Adam” (Part 4) INTRO: Imagine it is the year 1939 and we live in Paris, France. After church, we can enjoy a nice French pastry and go for a walk […]
Tag: church in naperville
Here’s the notes from my sermon on Romans 5:12-14, that I preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship, our church in Naperville, on 9/19/21. You can hear the sermon here. A Better Adam (Part 1): The 1st Adam and the Hope of Another (5:12-14) Intro: This week I saw something that my wife and my children […]
Here’s my sermon outline from Romans 5:9-11 “Saved from Future Wrath” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship, our church in Naperville Illinois. You can find the audio here. Romans 5:9-11 “Saved from Future Wrath” Intro: Are you prepared for the wrath of God? Are you ready for the day when God will pour out His just, […]
Here’s my sermon outline from Romans 5:6-8, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship (our church in Naperville). You can listen to the audio here. Romans 5:6-8 “God’s Love Displayed” Intro: How do we know that God loves us? What gives us the reason to believe that He loves us? When life is hard and difficulties […]
Here’s the notes from my sermon outline for Romans 5:2-5 preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship, our church in Naperville. You can listen to the sermon on this page. Romans 5:2-5 “3 Reasons to be Glad in God” Intro: There are many things in life that are wonderful, but we don’t realize how wonderful they […]
Here’s the outline for the sermon on Romans 5:1 that I preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship, our church in Naperville. You can hear the audio here. Romans 5:1 “Peace with God” C.S. Lewis once said, “Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance, the only thing it cannot be […]
Here’s the summer 2021 update for Cross of Christ Fellowship, our church in Naperville. Click here.
Here’s the sermon outline from Romans 1:18-32 “The Wrath of God” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship (church in Naperville). Romans 1:18-32 “The Wrath of God” Intro: Of all the passages I have ever preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship, our culture would probably find this one the most offensive. It jars against our modern […]
Here’s the outline from my sermon on the “Lord’s Supper” as an ordinary means of grace, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship (church in Naperville). Acts 2:42 “The Lord’s Supper as an Ordinary Means of Grace” Intro: Every year 10 million people die of cancer around the world. It is the 2nd leading cause of […]
Here’s my sermon outline for “Ordinary Means of Grace Part 2: FELLOWSHIP” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship, our church in Naperville. Means of Grace Week 2: Devoted to Fellowship (Acts 2:42) Intro: 1st of the LOTR Trilogy is Fellowship of the Ring. This “fellowship” refers to 9 individuals united in the purpose of seeing […]