Writings on Christianity

Acts 9:19-31 Sermon (“Saul’s Initial Ministry”)

Here are the notes for my sermon on Acts 9:19-31 “Saul’s Initial Ministry” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville, Illinois.                                                         “Saul’s Initial Ministry” Acts 9:19b-31 INTRO: Are there things in your life, you cannot do own your own—things you need help with?-Car Issue, Plumbing, Electrical, Finances, Baking.   -Me: […]

Writings on Christianity

Stepehen’s Death (Acts 7:53-8:3 SERMON OUTLINE)

Here’s the sermon notes for my sermon on Acts 7:53-8:3, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. Audio here. Stephen’s Death (Acts 7:54-8:3) INTRO: Sometimes faithfully following Jesus will result in dying a bloody, painful death        -11 of 12 apostles, martyrs through the ages,                    -Jim Elliott and friends in South America, today in […]


Stephen’s Speech (Acts 7:1-53) SERMON OUTLINE

Here’s the sermon outline for my sermon on Acts 7:1-53 “Stephen’s Speech” preach in Naperville, IL at Cross of Christ Fellowship. Audio here. “Stephen’s SPEECH” Acts 7:1-53INTRO: The church has a mission: PREACH THE GOSPEL and make disciples for the glory of God.        -As the Gospel is preached, those called by God respond in saving […]

Writings on Christianity

Pentecost Acts 2:1-13 Sermon

Here’s the sermon notes for my “Pentecost” sermon on Acts 2:1-13, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville, IL. You can find the audio here. Acts 2:1-13 “The Day of Pentecost”Intro: Some events change your life (marriage, birth, injury, move); Some change the world (July 4, 1776, electricity, internet, smart phone).         -In today’s passage, […]

Writings on Christianity

Romans 11:25-32 “The GREAT Reversal”

Here’s my sermon notes for Romans 11:25-32 “The GREAT Reversal” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. You can listen to the audio here. The GREAT REVERSAL of Israel (Romans 11:25-32)INTRO: Imagine this: wake up a vast majority of Jewish people on Earth have turned and place their faith in Jesus.        -Could we ever […]

Writings on Christianity

Summer Fellowship

This summer our church in Naperville, Cross of Christ Fellowship, is hosting a weekly time of fellowship for its members: “summer fellowship.” We’ll be sharing a meal together, discussing “Dark Clouds , Deep Mercy” by Mark Vroegop, and praying together.

Writings on Christianity

Getting Right With God: 2 Ways

Here’s the sermon outline for Romans 10:5-13, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville, IL. If you like to listen to the audio, it can be found here. Romans 10:5-13 “TWO WAYS TO TRY TO BE RIGHT WITH GOD”INTRO: Paul had a difficult question to answer:‘If the gospel is God’s promised salvation to His […]

Writings on Christianity

Romans 9:14-29 Sermon Outline

This past weekend I preached on Romans 9:14-29 “God’s Unfailing Word: Part 2” at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. You can listen to the audio here. The main point is that God’s Word has not failed. But in this sermon I also addressed the topics of election, predestination, and double predestination–and it was Mother’s […]

Writings on Christianity

Heartache (Romans 9:1-5 Sermon Outline)

Here’s the sermon outline for Romans 9:1-5, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship on 9.24.22 in Naperville. Romans 9:1-5 “Heartache” Intro: If you become a Christian you will experience a broken heart.      -Becoming a Christian will lead new pain, grief and broken-heartedness you have never experience before.                  -You will experience sorrow and sadness that […]

Writings on Christianity

Romans 8 Sermon

Here’s the outline for my sermon Romans 8–a review sermon–preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. You can listen to the audio here. One More Look at Romans 8 (4/10/2022) INTRO: It has been a privilege to preach through Romans and I’ve enjoyed our time in Romans 8 these past 3 months.        -Today is […]