Writings on Christianity

2024 Books Read

I am thankful for the books I was able to read, listen to, and read aloud as a family. It was, as usual, a mix of those and quite a few rereads. Some of my favorite highlights: -Listening to  the Lord of the Rings aloud as a family (Serkis). Such a treat to introduce this […]

Writings on Christianity

A Christian’s Growth in Godliness & Parallel to Jonah

I’m spending quite a bit of time working through and thinking about the book of Jonah, as I prepare to preach it at Cross of Christ Fellowship. Here a thought I’ve been considering lately: A believer’s growth in godliness can often follow the pattern seen in Jonah. Though a Christian is indwelt and strengthened by […]

Writings on Christianity

What is the GOOD Life? A Christian Reflection

What is the good life? What is a life well lived? How does our worldview shape and inform how we understand this question? I believe we all seek to answer the question in someway—if not overtly, then through how we live, spend our time and money, hope and hate particular things, and how we consider […]

Writings on Christianity

3 Myths about Being a Christian Refuted (from Romans 8:18-25)

3 Myths Refuted (some thoughts from today’s sermon passage in Romans 8:18-25) 1. If I am a Christian I won’t have to suffer. FALSE. Actually, you will suffer in this life (Rom 8:18), but what is coming after this life makes it all worth. Our suffering is not worthy of comparing with what is coming, […]

Writings on Christianity

A Precious Truth To Cling to In the Midst of Trials

The Christian is not promised an easy life in this world. To assume that following Christ will lead a trouble-free life is not something that the Bible supports, it is really a soft version of the prosperity gospel. The Christian—even the Christian in the affluent, comfortable, safe, suburbs of the West—will face trials, hardships, and […]

Writings on Christianity

A Blog Post on DEATH

I remember hearing D.A. Carson state that the taboo topic in our culture is DEATH. People are comfortable talking about all sorts of other things (sex, politics, etc.), but things get awkward when death is brought up. We recently talked about death together at our meetup discussion group. The first question we thought about was […]

Writings on Christianity

Humor and the Gospel

As a Christian I recognize that humor is a gift from God, a God who Himself laughs (Ps 2:4). Humor is meant to be enjoyed and to build others up: it can be used to bring a person into the truth and bring joy and delight and healing. But there is something desperately, wrong with […]

Writings on Christianity

A Rightly-Ordered Skepticism

An Apologetic for a Rightly-Ordered Skepticism by Tom Schmidt What do you think of when you hear the word “skeptic”? The first thing that comes to my mind is someone who is skeptical of religion, the Bible, supernatural, or belief in God. A skeptic is one who bravely bucks religious dogma for scientific truth, who […]