HAPPINESS: A Biblical Perspective God is the “happy” God of reality. In 1 Tim 6:15 we see God described as the “blessed and only Sovereign”—in the Greek the word for “blessed” is makarios¸ which could be translated happy. God is happy within his own Triune nature and has no needs from outside of Himself to […]
Tag: bible
Is My Perfectionism Making Me Anxious? by Dan Tsouloufis Many Christians struggle with perfectionism in their faith. Unfortunately, perfectionism can take the form of robbing us of our peace, freedom, and joy in Christ. Oftentimes, we compound the problem by worrying too much, as well as doubting God’s goodness and God’s promises in His Word. When we find […]
Three Competing Realities around Mental Health by Dan Tsouloufis (Guest Post) As a certified biblical counselor, I have been observing three competing realities in our society around the issue of mental health, as well as the purported solutions being offered by the clinical mental health industry. In my observation of these three competing realities, my […]
A Biblical Theology of Anger by Dan Tsouloufis Regarding a biblical definition of anger, one helpful definition is from Robert Jones in his book Uprooting Anger: “Anger is the whole person’s active response of negative moral judgment against a perceived evil.” A brief way to summarize anger is that it is a displeasure in our […]
A Biblical Theology of Emotions by Dan Tsouloufis It is healthy to feel our emotions, and then we are more easily able to let them go. We cry out in utter honesty to God, and the Holy Spirit helps to calm our hearts. As the psalmist proclaims, “I love the Lord, because He has heard my […]
A Catechism on Suffering
A Short Catechism on Suffering: Q. What is suffering? A. “Having what we do not want to have or not having what we do want to have” (Elisabeth Elliot’s definition) Q .Why is there suffering in the world? A. Because of the sin of our first parents Adam and eve, our sin, and the sin […]
What is Beauty?
This Saturday our meetup discussion group is discussing BEAUTY together. I’ve enjoyed preparing for this discussion and thinking about it a bit. Here’s some of the questions we’ll be thinking through together: 1. When we say a thing is beautiful, what do we mean?2. What makes a thing beautiful and a thing ugly?3. Is beauty […]
(the following is a post my friend Dan Tsouloufis) The Nature of Inerrancy and Infallibility Within the Evangelical tradition, the first thing we usually assert about the Bible is that it is God’s divine Word. More specifically, we assert that it is God’s breathed-out Word, since the apostle Paul describes to Timothy that “All Scripture […]
Bible and Women Part II
In a previous post I noted how one passage of Scripture leads us to reject the narrative that “the Bible has a low view of women.” In this post, I hope to list some other reasons why a biblical view of women is actually a more dignified view than a modern secular understanding. CREATED EQUAL […]
Bible and Women
Sometimes I hear people say, ‘the Bible is disparaging of women.’ Or, the Bible has a misogynistic or oppressive approach to women. This is a quite a common understanding today in our culture. But I would argue it is rather misinformed and actually very unpersuasive. In fact, I think there is quite a bit of […]