ANIMALS, ANIMAL SUFFERING, AND THE FUTURE: TWO CONTRASTING VIEWS—CHRISTIANITY AND ATHEISM/AGNOSTICISM How do we think about animals? What about animal suffering? What about the future? The following is a contrast between a Christian worldview and a secular worldview, namely that of atheism or agnosticism. CHRISTIANITY: God is real and exists and has revealed Himself through […]
Tag: atheism
Justice and Worldviews
Justice and Worldviews We are discussing justice this Saturday at our intellectual discussion group. We ALL long to see justice take place, to see evil punished and the right and good vindicated. We long to see the oppressed delivered and the enslaved set free. How does one explain these desires and the longing for justice? […]
How do you view the question of ultimate authority? And what are the implications concerning other questions of reality? An ultimate authority is an authority that transcends all other authorities and is understood to have legitimate—not arbitrary—rights to govern and rule. As a Christian, I would argue that God is the ultimate authority of all […]
If atheism is true, it is impossible to waste one’s life. You can live for hedonism or altruism, but neither way is more wasteful or virtuous in the grand scheme of the universe. You can try to save the planet or destroy it, but neither is a more wasteful or virtuous way of living now. […]
Without God, is it possible to have a non-arbitrary purpose to human existence? Here’s some thoughts on the topic: Sometimes I hear the following sentiment from friends who embrace a naturalistic worldview (the worldview that says we live in a universe void of God and the supernatural and that the universe and human race are […]
If naturalism (atheism) is how reality actually is, then life is a tragedy. We are the accidents of an impersonal universe. Our lives have no meaning or purpose—except for the arbitrary purposes we create—and everything we do will be ultimately forgotten and inconsequential. We’ll be forgotten—along with everything we every do—and we will not continue […]
NOT A Cosmic Accident
Recently, I got to spend some time discussing the topic of LIFE at our meetup discussion group here in Naperville. At one point we thought about the origins of life on our planet. I sought to argue that it seems to me that we have one of two positions:1. We, as humans, are the result […]
Atheist Anger: Either Irrational or Arrogant Whenever a person gets angry, it is usually because he/she is upset that a moral value has been transgressed or broken. We get angry that our boss treats us unfairly—assuming that is objectively right to treat another person fairly. We get angry when a weak person is taken advantage […]
A Word to My Atheist Friends on Knowledge A Word to the ATHEIST about Knowledge You rightly see the error of those who promote religious myths which enslave people and hinder education. You rightly value the importance of scientific investigation. You rightly champion logic and reason. But you overlook several important things: first, you have […]
Good Without God Follow Up Here’s a follow up post on ‘Good without God’. The following is what I wrote in response to the time of our discussion together at Meetup and why all the proposed sources for moral knowledge from natualistic conception are unlivable: Hey Everybody, Thanks again to all who came out […]