Here’s the second part of Dan Tsouloufis’ essay: So how does an atheist define morality without an absolute standard that the human race can adhere to? As a Christian, I believe that notions of right and wrong are woven into the fabric of the universe because of God, the same way that we can know […]
Tag: apologetics
Worldview, Secular Ethics, and Cognitive Dissonance: An Essay by Dan Tsouloufis (part 1) “My Thoughts on Worldview, Secular Ethics, and Cognitive Dissonance” by Dan Tsouloufis There are many people who grow up believing in God, then at some point in their life they no longer believe that God is real, and they come to the […]
Good Without God Follow Up Here’s a follow up post on ‘Good without God’. The following is what I wrote in response to the time of our discussion together at Meetup and why all the proposed sources for moral knowledge from natualistic conception are unlivable: Hey Everybody, Thanks again to all who came out […]
The Fallacy of the Uncertainty Principle UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE: There are some who say, ‘All I know, is that I don’t know anything,’ and thus promote what is known by some as the UNCERTAINTY principle. Often such a position is championed as brave, scientific, and free from “religious superstitious dogma.” But the more I think about […]
Pushing the Antithesis: The Apologetic Methodology of Greg L. Bahnsen. Quotes This is a book by Gary De Mar that summarizes the presuppositional apologetic approach of Bahnsen. It’s a good introduction and overview of the apologetic task, and gives one a solid grounding on how to employ the apologetic technique. It also gives plenty of […]
7 Truths from a Christian Worldview PART 3 by Dan Tsouloufis Having concluded my seven fundamental truth claims, I will now dig much deeper and examine the incoherent and irrational worldview of those who doubt the existence of God or who outright reject the existence of God. First, I will present my thoughts on modern […]
7 Truths from a Christian Worldview PART 2 by Dan Tsouloufis I will now present my case for the existence of God, by outlining seven fundamental truth claims which are foundational to maintaining a coherent and logically consistent worldview. Seven Fundamental Truths of Theistic Philosophy from a Judeo-Christian Worldview (Part 2 of 3) Number one: […]
7 Truths from a Christian Worldview (Part 1) by Dan Tsouloufis Seven Fundamental Truths of Theistic Philosophy from a Judeo-Christian Worldview (Introduction) As a believer, I feel compelled to defend the Christian worldview, since much of the culture has been secularized, and is often dismissive of Christianity or outright condescending toward it. Thus, I […]