If naturalism (atheism) is how reality actually is, then life is a tragedy. We are the accidents of an impersonal universe. Our lives have no meaning or purpose—except for the arbitrary purposes we create—and everything we do will be ultimately forgotten and inconsequential. We’ll be forgotten—along with everything we every do—and we will not continue […]
Tag: apologetics
Book Review: “Expository Apologetics” by Voddie Baucham The book is an explanation of how a believer—preacher or layman—might address skeptics and apologetical questions with “the power of the Word.” I found it a helpful book in line with the presuppositional apologetic tradition which emphasizes the authority and power of God’s Word. Voddie Baucham was once […]
Here’s a summary of Lewis’ argument for existence of God from the existence of objective morality taken from his book “Mere Christianity.” I’ve sought to summarize his argument and provide some helpful quotes from it. Ch 1: Objective Moral Laws Really Exist and We Fail to Keep Them.-“appealing to some kind of standard of behavior […]
How does your worldview (your overall understanding of reality) shape how you approach the notion of forgiveness? As I grapple with the concept, I would argue that how we approach FORGIVENESS shows that we assume some kind of objective morality (moral standards that are real, not arbitrarily invented by evolved apes or merely the preferences […]
The Materialist’s Dilemma (Guest post by Dan Tsouloufis) Can a collision of atoms produce transcendent self-awareness? Can hard matter produce consciousness? It would seem to defy both reason and common sense to even pose the above two questions. Yet in our current, hyper-secular age of scientism and non-reason, we are often compelled to consider such things. Unfortunately, according to […]
ANGER as a CLUE to Pointing Us to God Could anger be a clue to a deeper reality of this universe? I would argue YES. Here’s why: Why are we morally outraged by the gas chambers of the Nazis? Why are we morally outraged by the hard-working farmer getting ripped off and cheated of his […]
Atheist Anger: Either Irrational or Arrogant Whenever a person gets angry, it is usually because he/she is upset that a moral value has been transgressed or broken. We get angry that our boss treats us unfairly—assuming that is objectively right to treat another person fairly. We get angry when a weak person is taken advantage […]
William Edgar’s 4 Step Apologetic Method Westminster Professor of Apologetics William Edgar has written a book on apologetics called “Reasons of the Heart: Recovering Christian Persuasion” (2003). In one of the more helpful chapters he gives a four-step approach to apologetics which relies on “four apologetic realities.” He argues that, when these 4 realities are […]
The Purpose of Our Existence “There is no purpose to our existence, but that doesn’t matter, we can make up our own purpose, and in so doing, we will be freer and have more purpose than anyone religious person who believes a bunch of superstitious myths.” Such is the attitude of some, when we ask, […]
A Word to My Atheist Friends on Knowledge A Word to the ATHEIST about Knowledge You rightly see the error of those who promote religious myths which enslave people and hinder education. You rightly value the importance of scientific investigation. You rightly champion logic and reason. But you overlook several important things: first, you have […]