Tag: apologetics
What is the good life? What is a life well lived? How does our worldview shape and inform how we understand this question? I believe we all seek to answer the question in someway—if not overtly, then through how we live, spend our time and money, hope and hate particular things, and how we consider […]
The doctrine of an ETERNAL hell has many objectors today. A lot of people cannot fathom how God could be just and send anyone to hell, especially if it is an eternal hell for sins committed in this temporary life. The question is ‘How could such a thing be fair?’ This is an not a […]
Responding to SCIENTISM
Scientism is an approach to science that elevates it above all other fields of knowledge and makes claims in the name of science, which science itself cannot support. We hear this in statements like “Science has shown there is no evidence for God.” We see in an attitude that views science as objective, but views […]
How do you view the question of ultimate authority? And what are the implications concerning other questions of reality? An ultimate authority is an authority that transcends all other authorities and is understood to have legitimate—not arbitrary—rights to govern and rule. As a Christian, I would argue that God is the ultimate authority of all […]
Dear Friend, You rightly recognize the audacious claims of Christians and others who assert they possession knowledge of ultimate reality and God. (It is a bold statement to claim such knowledge about God and reality.) You also rightly recognize that competing statements about God (Jesus is God and Jesus is not God for instance) cannot […]
What is Beauty?
This Saturday our meetup discussion group is discussing BEAUTY together. I’ve enjoyed preparing for this discussion and thinking about it a bit. Here’s some of the questions we’ll be thinking through together: 1. When we say a thing is beautiful, what do we mean?2. What makes a thing beautiful and a thing ugly?3. Is beauty […]
My atheist friends often speak with pride about how they have chosen the way of science and reason and have rejected religious superstitions and myths. Theirs is the way void of religious mysticism, unlike Christians or those who believe in God. We’re often given the impression that the way of atheism is the way free […]
If atheism is true, it is impossible to waste one’s life. You can live for hedonism or altruism, but neither way is more wasteful or virtuous in the grand scheme of the universe. You can try to save the planet or destroy it, but neither is a more wasteful or virtuous way of living now. […]
Without God, is it possible to have a non-arbitrary purpose to human existence? Here’s some thoughts on the topic: Sometimes I hear the following sentiment from friends who embrace a naturalistic worldview (the worldview that says we live in a universe void of God and the supernatural and that the universe and human race are […]