Writings on Christianity

A Cure for Consumerism

Consumerism is a cancer in the American church (see Dever and Dunlop’s book). It shows itself in an incessant hunger for better programs, better preachers, and better places of worship. It is marked by a never-ending search for the “right church.” It results either in Christians never committing themselves to a healthy local church or […]

Writings on Christianity

Ordinary Means of Grace: The Lord’s Supper

Here’s the outline from my sermon on the “Lord’s Supper” as an ordinary means of grace, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship (church in Naperville). Acts 2:42 “The Lord’s Supper as an Ordinary Means of Grace” Intro: Every year 10 million people die of cancer around the world. It is the 2nd leading cause of […]

Writings on Christianity

Ordinary Means of Grace: Fellowship

Here’s my sermon outline for “Ordinary Means of Grace Part 2: FELLOWSHIP” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship, our church in Naperville. Means of Grace Week 2: Devoted to Fellowship (Acts 2:42) Intro: 1st of the LOTR Trilogy is Fellowship of the Ring. This “fellowship” refers to 9 individuals united in the purpose of seeing […]

Writings on Christianity

Ordinary Means of Grace Sermon: Word of God

Here’s the my sermon outline for my sermon on Word of God as an ordinary means of grace, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship, our church in Naperville. Means of Grace Week 1: Word of God Series intro: If you have been a Christian for very long, you know that sometimes it can be really […]

Writings on Christianity

Means of Grace Sermon Series

For the month of July, I’ll be preaching a four-part sermon series on the “means of grace” at Cross of Christ Fellowship, our church in Naperville. You’ll be able to listen to them here. In particular, we’ll be looking at Acts 2:42 and considering how the Word of God, fellowship, the Lord’s Supper, and prayer […]