Writings on Christianity

1 Cor 13 Sermon: A Church Marked By LOVE

I recently preached a sermon 1 Cor 13 at our church in Naperville, Cross of Christ Fellowship. Here’s the notes: 1 Corinthians 13 “A CHURCH MARKED BY LOVE” Intro: When you think about what is really important for a local church, what comes to your mind? What rises to your top as the most important? […]

Writings on Christianity

An Analogy: Love Within a Marriage and Love Within a Local Church

When two people get married, they are often full of heightened emotions and delight in each other. They are in the honeymoon stage: the other person can do no wrong! But in time, reality sinks in and the initial excitement fades way: each of them realizes they have married a sinner and the happy feelings […]