My friend Dan Tsouloufis recently wrote a short essay explaining the Reformed (Calvinistic) understanding of salvation and election. It’s really helpful, biblical, and balanced. Definitely worth the ten minutes or so it takes to read it: “I wanted to share some of my thoughts on the Reformed/Calvinist view of salvation, since in some circles it’s still […]
Category: Writings on Christianity
O Courageous Christ
What my idle, indecisive heart needs to see: O Courageous Christ, By the power of the Spirit, You perfectly loved the Father. Never paralyzed with fear, Never frozen with indecision, Your trust never wavered. As the Lord of life, you showed us how to be strong; As the Author of life, you died for our […]
Oh Idle Indecision
Oh Idle Indecision, You cover me like a blanket, Warming me with your whispers of security: ‘Give it some more time.’ ‘Better off really thinking if over.’ ‘No harm in waiting another day.’ The pages of my calendar revolve, But your claims are anchored deep. I think I am safe, But really I am deceived: […]
Please keep me in prayer, I’ll be guest preaching again this Sunday at church in Zion, IL: Preaching on 2 Sam 11 (David and Bathseba). Pray that I am faithful in my exposition, that the gospel goes forward, and that God brings deeper repentance in my heart and the hearts of the hearers for […]
Andrew Wilson has some helpful words on the distinction between preaching and teaching:
This past Sunday I had the opportunity to preach on Isaiah 59, and I used sentence diagramming to help me understand the text. Diagramming a passage is when you lay out the text in the form of a diagram, separating out clauses and modifiers, and adding notes about significant ideas and reoccurring motifs which you […]
23 Truths For The Redeemed In Christ To redeem a thing is to take something that is broken/corrupt/enslaved and to deliver it, making it complete/cleansed/liberated. The Bible teaches us that God Himself redeems a people to be His own possession, a people who are greatly in need of redemption: they are enslaved to sin; they […]
The Gospel According to Gordon Ramsay Stories of redemption and redeemers abound in our culture. We love seeing something that is broken/defiled/enslaved/ruined/destroyed come out fixed/purified/liberated/cleansed/saved. It makes our hearts happy. One example of this is found in Fox’s television program “Kitchen Nightmares” starring Gordon Ramsey. In the show, master-chef Ramsey goes into a failing restaurant […]
Preaching This Sunday
I request your prayers as I fill in for a church in northern Illinois and preach the sermon. My text is Isaiah 59
(This is a continuation from my previous post) Here’s eight more valuable insights from John Angell James: Preaching is more than exegesis: “We must therefore rise from exegesis into exhortation, warning, and expostulation” (87). Pastoral house visits and catechizing are richly beneficial and should not be neglected: “he will make a point of visiting the […]